I get the impression you're one of those OB addicts :rolleyes:
Why ?
Besides you're trying to make OB look terrible when it beats Fable in basically every aspect.
Interesting locations, fable, story, fable, graphics fable, combat both svck, world size oblivion.
Graphics were great, have no idea where you're gettting the bad from...especially considering it's a 2006 game. Fable III came out months ago and IMO it still looks worse than OB, and when compared with other open world games like RDR Fable is terrible (I wonder why it's hard to get a good pic of Aurora).
Well you may be shocked, but I got the bad from playing oblivion... Maybe I should have put that is spoiler tags.
Wow so somehow RDR is in the conversation, dont know what that has to do with your point considering RDR beats anything graphics wise on consoles. (probablly becaus epeople think fable 3 is bad and dont take pictures as a result, you dont waste time on bad games) Except oblivion it seems Pointless ruin #13 thats one for the internet.
Gameplay is waay too basic in Fable III...it feels like an action game (not a great one) when OBs was good, sure it has flaws but way better than Fable's. Much more diverse and interesting.
Oblivion wasnt good, action games tend to have decent combat, oblivon had dull combat, never once did combat feel enjoyable in oblivion, it didnt infable either. Diverse =/= interesting, having options is always good, but stand waaay inot the distance, invisible, and shoot a silent arrow at an enemy, watch them run to your location, the game was just bad. Why do you think there are so many mods ? Many people who play it cant without mods why ? It svcks. Why do you think so many still play MW ? Its because oblivion failed.
World size it's bigger and exploration is good (better in FO3 for example though).
minecraft is big too, you tell me walking for hours with nothing of interest is fun ? World size is only good when it has interesting things to fill it.
Some quests may be dull but some are also great (the Ultimate Heist and Whodunnit? for example) something that IMO Fable just doesn't have...
The heist was dull imo, only a few quests were good, most DB ones. But considering oblivion boasts hundreds of quests, thats quite a pathetic thing.
Yes quests in fable 3 and 2 were crap, but considering most of oblivions were, it dosent make it much better, especially when most time will bespent walking around the copy pasted ruins.
Please don't make graphics less important than they are...FC2 is good but why are you comparing an FPS against an amazing RPG like OB? Or are you posting that video cause you can't get a decent pic of Aurora :rolleyes: Look I like Fable, but I LOOOOVE TES, especially OB. If you love Fable great for you, I'll stick with TES :shrug:
You brought graphics up...
I am comparing them because you brought up graphics, yes FC2 is an fps, still open world, still beats oblivion at graphics. And I can compare them, oblivion is an open bland world with nothing of interest and enemies everywhere and boring combat, farcry 2 is aswell. Only looks better. Point is graphics dont matter and an open world is pontless with nothing to do in it, if you done belive me play some minecraft and do nothing but walk, its very open, very dull.