I loved Fable. But I feel like if I go back I'll hate it. I just keep the nostalgia. I loved the humor, the things you could do with your character, the story, the humor again

It was just a great game overall. Obviously the best of the series.
Fable 2 I recently replayed, and it's definitely one of my favorite games. I like the humor even more in it, and the graphics and customization (while limited) is awesome. I also really enjoyed the story of Fable 2, but everyone here seems to think it was really bad.
I've beat Fable 3 three different times, to do all the endings and what-not. It's an okay game. It's not bad, and it's not good. It's the perfect average game. At first, at the castle, I thought "Oh my God, how could they get away with such horrible graphics like these?!" But then I really looked at it, and compared it to Fable 2 and some other games, and I realized the graphics are very good. Especially in the desert section of the game!
I can see why people don't like the Fable series. They're pretty linear, the cartoonish graphics can bother some, and the humor won't get to some people. A lot of people think too highly of story, I think. When I look for a good story, then I get a book, or watch an old movie. I play video games for fun, and if there's a good story to be told then that's just a bonus.
I dunno. That's my random ass summary of my experience with Fable.