Search "32 reasons why Fable 3 svcks" on YouTube, uploader is "AngryJoeShow"
Fable(tlc) is a damn good game imo. 2 and 3 are not. Fabe tlc had a charm, it had more spells allowing unique gameplay, more challenge, better customisation, better everything. If you like fable 2 and 3 finish fable one, preferabley the lost chapters.
Fable died becase of several things.
Casal gamers. Not to sound like an elitist but thats one of the problems. PM made fable easy to make it "accesible" to do that he removed mana, now we have no health bar, combat is easy and interactionwith NPCs = hold A to be nice X to be an ass. Fable is watered down because of that.
Peter molyneux. Ignoring the hype becuase we all know about that, the dde is insane. He wants to make an amazing rpg, but is too focused on gimmicks (family, dog, etc) and making it a simulator (jobs, family,etc) he eeps yammering on about love, which is made pointless when he want syou to love, a random, non unique nps, who says the same dialouge and looks the same as that npce down the road, he wants you to feel connected to a damn clone. PMs enthusiasm is great he cares about games > money but that enthusiasm has turned into insanity, at this point I dont think he realises just how much he has killed fable, I knewloads of people who liked 1, then less who liked 2, no one liked 3. He just dosent know what he is doing anymore.
The testers. They (lionhead) had an idea, when you die you become your child, testers just farmed children, LH changed it, you got scarred and mugged and lsot EXP. Testers hated it. Now there is no death system, becase they didnt like dying.
Devs didnt listen to community, after was released, on the forums lots of people didnt like it was watered down, fable 3, even more watered down. Still breadcrumb trail, still got the dog, all we got was armour... Yay...