how come Seti18 hasn't materialized
Seti wrote me a long, heartfelt PM about a week ago asking me how I dealt with all the constant, unrelenting negativity on these forums and I advised him to take a break. I hope he''ll be back. He was one of the very few thoughtful, intelligent members we had.
I've heard even Daggerfall fans saying that Morrowind was really neutered compared to it.
When I first registered on these forums the constant negativity coming from Daggerfall fans was every bit as bad as the negativity Morrowind fans unleashed against Oblivion later. I had to take a break from these forums to get away from these people. "Morrowind isn't as good as Daggerfall because of this, Morrowind isn't as good as Daggerfall because of that." The aggressively negative attitude toward Morrowind was poisoning my love for Morrowind. The worst thing about games are the forums devoted to those games. I can't seem to stay away from them, though.

I also know persons who have admitted to me they like to argue just for the sake of it, even if they don't believe they are correct.
Over the years I have come to a few conclusions about people. It seems to me that the more ignorant a person is, the louder they become. As a person's ignorance rises, so does their need to insist that everything they say is true. And that everything you say is false. Ignorant people aren't interested in reasoned conversation. They're interested in winning. Their intention is not to debate in a civilized manner but to smack their 'opponent' down, to have the last word. It's a form of verbal PvP.
And frankly, listening to some of them complain about Oblivion I sometimes get the impression that too many of these people are just repeating things they've heard other people say. One person complains about "level scaling" and another person picks it up. Another person picks it up from them. After awhile people throw around the words "level scaling" without knowing what they're talking about.