I'm not sure about anyone else but I would always want time and money by game developers be put into content that really matters in a game than into making a simulated six event. I mean really where is the fun in pixel six?
I've never even seen an AO game though I'm sure there must be a few out there. If there were a demand for them believe me, someone would be making them. And I'd just as soon leave it to the porm industry to cover that aspect of gaming. I'd be pretty ticked if Bethesda or Bioware or Steam made a game that would require an AO rating because really, I just don't play games for over the top sixual or violence. So far I'm pretty happy with what is being released other than over the top gore. I rather hate flying heads and limbs unless it's done in a cartoony way like Fallout. I don't like the now demanded for blood splatters.
I'd like more time spent on gameplay, voice acting, game mechanics, graphics, writing, interesting, combat, diplomacy, interactions with NPC's, balancing.
I'm not a stick in the mud, I just think six is too much fun to waste on a video game that doesn't need it.

Screw the AO rated games. (pun intended)