Hybrid classes are fun and most likely I will be one, BUT I also think a pure class can do as well in any giving dungeon.
Take my char in RIFT for example:
I am playing a Warlock class (In RIFT talk, it is called a role or spec) {Also, RIFT do have a Hybrid classes as well}
In a five man dungeon, sometimes people complain that my char is not doing enough DPS. The Warlock is a DOT based class, so I do not have hard hitting spells like the fire mage has. I do however can stack a lot of DOTS on a target and do A LOT of damage, just one does not see the BIG numbers as some other classes have. Some people tried to be helpful (and others are just rude) and tell me to play a fire mage for higher DPS. No, I want to learn to play a pure Warlock.
In ESO, I can see the same type of debate going on.
1) How does one handle this debate?
2) I wonder how effective a pure blooded class vs a hybrid class?
3) I need to do the 5 man dungeon to get enough right type of money to but better gear, but some people say that you can not play with us because of low DPS / lack of gear. Do they even understand about a DOT build?
4) Does ESO have a DOT (not DPS) builds?