- By accident I found out that a some of the matrixes from the SI look really neat as displayes. I think I have an amber bow matrix on display.
- Books are tough to stack without mods, so I usually stack three on top of each other, then put something like a skull or quill atop them.
- Bread loaves, a wheel of cheese and an elven dagger look nice on the pantry shelf.
- Potion bottles and even some ingredients look nice on display, as well as wine bottles.
- A flat basket full of rubies and sapphires and other jewels.
- A large dark bowl with vegetables in it.
- A ceramic bow with fruit.
- A silver urn by the bed for, well, you know.
- A silver tea pot by the fire for heating water and a silver bowl on a table as a wash basin.
- An Ayleid Ruin statue.
- Quill, book, ink pot on the writing table.
- Folded cloth bolt at the foot of the bed as an extra blanket.
- Vases of flowers of course.
- Varla / Welkynd stones look nice.