Another poll. Which five options annoy you the most? If you want more detail, post a reply.
We need 5,000 votes! (-> 5 votes per person -> 5,000÷5=1,000 voters=Crytek listening to us) Bump this thread if you can.
Other polls:
What do you guys think about the graphics of Crysis 2?
What would you guys rate Crysis 2?
What do you guys like about Crysis 2 in general?
My suggestion for cover system in MP is a game modifier that brings most of the elements from SP (e.g. cover system, power (charged) melee, enemy grab in Assault.)
Where it says please detail in a reply, post in more detail below
EDIT: Keep the replies coming! This thread will NOT die
I'm trying to get as many votes as possible, so it's not "just another thread" i.e. it won't just die off and be forgotten about; it serves no use to Crytek when there are only 100 or so voters, but once we get into the thousands, they might start listening to us
EDIT: A post that I couldn't agree more with. Full post:
Bugs and glitches are priority 1. No matter what kind of problems people have with the graphics, and game changes, a fully working game is what people have paid for, and should be what is fixed first.