I hope, when I finish, that I happily watch the credits.
hardcoe Mode
Midwestern BoS mentioned at the very least.
A series of not so subtle jabs at the names of the previous game's heroes.
Actually, I hope for the ability to join any faction, with the consequence that joining one will lock you out of others.
I hope that stealing one thing wont cause every one to kill me. Also, id like to fight people with bare fists without the threat of being shot to death by everyone around me. the guards can stop me and warn me, even fine me, just dont flip out and execute me on sight.
The Rock-It Launcher, turn junk into ammo!
Not having to help the Brotherhood of Steel, to complete the main quest line. A wearable backpack! hardcoe mode. Armor piercing and hollow point rounds. The first mod that gets rid of the pipboy on your arm, and more like a big cell phone you can carry in your pocket like the pipboy 2500 or whatever its called. and no weapon clipping into armors!!!!
But that's what the new http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Junk_Jet does...
Some hokerr running around the wastes or in a town somewhere screaming Fus-Ro-Dah!
I want readable books!!!
Yes, I know there are terminal logs and everything, but I spent hours flipping pages in TES. The skill books were so much fun... along with the riddles, histories, parables.
I would love to find some sort of bunker forgotten in time just some persons home-made fallout shelter with some stuff in the bunker that is extremely rare and not really available anywhere else.
And maybe the bodies or skeletons are just a few meters away from the entrance so that is how you find it.
we got readable magazines that is something =D
Wildlife. Want to see more small critters on land like squirrels/rabbits and fish in the water.
I would like to see diseases like in Elder Scrolls. It would give us more of a reason to visit a Doctor.