Simple enough question.
Personally, I'm not sure what to root for myself, except for one thing:
Simple enough question.
Personally, I'm not sure what to root for myself, except for one thing:
"Grognak. Issue number 1" for your birthday? NICEEEE
On a real note. I would like to see TENPENNY TOWER rebuilt. Or made in general.
AGAIN on a realistic note. It would be nice to go down a rabbit hole on this game for several days straight and just... have 800 more hours ahead of me.
Lady Gaga. Also interesting and engaging characters. Some compelling themes. I'd also like a gay couple that isn't the PC and his/her bae. Also the ability to shoot my son if it turns out he's evil and/or a whiny [censored] baby.
Well why not? We have games on our pipboy, Bethesda made SPECIAL videos with cartoony artwork, can't be that hard to draw up 10 or so comic book issues.
But then I'm weird, since I distinctly recall playing Ultimate Spider Man and being mad that when you got the cover tokens it was ONLY the cover.
Or 30 issues? You know who cares, and my god I played the Spider Man game on the Nintendo 64 ( I'm pretty sure that's what you're talking about? ) and yeah it was only the DAMN COVERS!
I wonder who these pumpkin bombs belong to.
Well I actualy meant the Ultimate Spider Man game for the Gamecube, but the point is the same. XD And i went with ten based of reading a Eurogamer aarticle that said each one gives a rank of a barbarian perk. And they'd probably need to do other books too. But hey. the more Grognak's the merrier I say!
I played that as well and I know what you're talking about too! You're damn right the more the merrier. Would of been cool if they made an actual comic book. Like a physical copy 0_0
It'd be pretty sweet to play Fallout Shelter on my pipboy.I really dig the idea of adding some games, I'm hoping it's not all just 2D platformers or 80's Atari roms. Even things like blackjack, chess, or text RPG's would be great complements to sitting in some chair in my settlement and waiting for raiders to spawn.
I'd like to see thoughtful, well-executed variation in the creatures and npcs so that I don't feel like I'm seeing the same thing over and over again.
I'd like to see the return of Blue prints for the manufacture of unique weapons etc.
A loot bag that contains everything you pick up until it's sorted into your personal stash or a container.
Think of the time we could save not having to look through your "usual loadout" of guns, armor, ammo and chems just to off-load the crap we picked up on our last foray into the wild.
I have heard tell that some books, we can actually read this time around, so you may just get your wish.
The Pipboy is nice and all... but can it play Doom?
Also hoping for a nonlinear main quest, or quasi-nonlinear.
Being able to pick what faction we side with (like in NV with the NCR and Caesars Legion) and there being an equal amount of pros and cons for each one. Not to mention more then just 2 factions, or in other words, at least 3
I just want better animations than in the previous titles. No more robot people.
In the short clip with Piper, I noticed the guard in the background actually moved (while guarding), that's actually revolutionary for a Bethesda game.
So my hopes are up.
Gary? Gary!
I want to see some factions that we haven't seen before and take the story in an unexpected direction.
They specifically mention that you can zoom in and look at the cover, inferring by omission that the interior isn't readable. At least that's my take, though I'd be pleasantly surprised if this turns out right. Even if it's just the cover though, that's a nice little detail we didn't have before.