what do you hope they have omitted from F3?

Post » Thu Aug 19, 2010 3:07 am

All the empty houses, boarded up and completely useless. Even if you're not going to put something unique in every one, it doesn't take ten minutes to run up a generic interior for each. Some of us would like to live wherever we want to.
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Kat Stewart
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 8:57 pm


While I'm not opposed to a paranormal presence in Fallout, I think it needs a light touch, and should not include werewolves and vampires. Even the ghost in Fallout 2 was a poor decision to include IMO (though the mummy was not ~that was perfect).

Well I'm not talking about the mythic ones that has sharp pointy teeth, and turn to ashes with a pole through the heart, silver bullets, sun-light.
Just a mutation that has caused some people to need blood to survive, they don't "bite" and "svck" the blood out, they need to tap the enemy, human or animal of their blood.
How does this make it any different from The Family?
Well, the mutation does cause them to dehydrate at ridiculous levels if they're outside in the sun, which is why they have to stay shaded at all times.
This mutation won't change their appearance as drastically as other mutants: Trogs, Super Mutants, Ghouls, Gehennas or Other (Harold, Talius).
They'll only be very pale and have very bloodshot eyes.
The main area of the body where they did mutate was inside their bodies, something in there changed in them, and they got a great sense of smell for blood. (Much like sharks)

So they're not really vampires, they're just some form of different mutant which can only get nourishment from fresh blood and which dehydrates very very VERY quickly in the sun.

People will call them Vampires for sure, but a lot of people: players, fans and people in the fallout universe also mistakes ghouls for zombies.
So a lot of people will mistake them for "vampires" while they in fact aren't. They're just a different form of mutant.

What caused these people to mutate into this I do not know.
Maybe there was a disease at some place and some science team tried to create a cure for it.
But a lot of their "cures" ended up killing the voluntary test subjects, which made a lot of people despise this team.
They had to force the cure on slaves they purchased from slavers.
And at some point they created something that seemingly cured the people.
It was launched out to the sick people with haste and all was fine for a couple of months until they started to slowly mutate.
Getting migraines and light headaches and easily getting dehydrated during the day.
Then stopped eating all together and got nausea from trying to eat.
And the the mutation got worse and they started to sense somehow that they needed something else to feed on.
After having starved for a while there was an accident which caused three people to die.
During the night after this incident the mutants got mesmerized by the scent of blood and proceeded to go over to the graveyard where 2 men where digging graves for the newly deceased, killed them and finally feasted on what blood there was.
After this they escaped from the town when they finally realized what they had done.
I'm not good at writing and crap.
But whatever, here's how they mutated.

Point of this post is: If done right a vampire inspired mutant can work without it feeling too much like a mythic creature.
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James Shaw
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 12:24 pm

pet hate from FO3: bloody mess. It wasn't until my third playthrough that I realised the reason people were exploding from one .32 bullet to the head was because I chose the perk. Doh! I thought "so THATS why...." lol :twirl: Guess I won't be choosing the Wild Wasteland perk in the new one..

What I would like, that wasn't in FO3, include:

1) Taking over. If I walk into Paradise Falls and execute (from the balcony) all the slavers in there (that was FUN), why can't I make the town MY home? Move my followers and junk in there?

2) And why did Three Dog know every useless piece of news-trivia, but didn't know I had killed 90% of the slavers in the Wasteland? (Same thing happened when I accidently killed everyone in Rivet City lol) If I walk into New Vegas and kill everyone in there, I jolly-well want Mr Vegas (or whoever) to broadcast the fact... Sure, Three Dog broadcast the Tenpenny debarkle, but only because that was a quest anyway. Need some leeway for random acts of violence and insane homicide to be taken into account in the story.

3) Agreed with the boarded-up houses too. Luckily someone modded the inside of a lot of them (DC Interiors), but surely it could be scripted at design time. 200 years after a war, people are living in tin shacks when there are perfectly good houses everywhere? No crowbars in the future?

4) Cars/bikes. I can rig up a flaming sword or rocket launcher but I can't stick some tyres on a car? Come on, even something as simple as a brahmin & cart - these things should be everywhere. I realise the roads are in bad shape, but the caravans have been ploughing the same routes for 200 years - plenty of time to make them "roadworthy"

5) too much repetition in "clutter" - scrap, turps, cigarettes, sensor modules, clothes - huh? If they are the most useful things in the Wasteland, why haven't they all been used yet? You should have to work really hard to find a workshop that has glue and wrenches, not have them scattered everywhere.

looking forward to:

erm... a new storyline! I don't really care if its 100% the same as FO3, as long as there is a different storyline to work through. (Although looking forward to getting away from the Karma thing too)
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Nany Smith
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 9:47 pm


Reputation FTW :foodndrink:
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Charlotte X
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Post » Thu Aug 19, 2010 3:46 am

got another one.
Things being in multiple places at once.

in the arlington cemetary, you can see the Citadel east of the house. It is indeed for to the south.
From various locations oyu can see the washington monument, and yet its in another completely different area.

I hope they took care of that.

Also the annoying glitches like being transleucent.
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 5:18 pm

I'd really like it if we could drag items from the inventory directly into a position in the game world, like you could in morrowind. It was incredibly frustrating to try to organize your swag in oblivion and FO3 when all you could do it launch it out of your forehead.
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krystal sowten
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 7:02 pm

found a good one from http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DroneJam

Occasionally a serious problem in Fallout. Avoided in Fallout 2 by a special "Talk to the hand"-looking button used to move friendly NPCs out of your way, even during combat. (When used on cattle, it causes them to tip over, of course.)

* In Fallout 3, you get to hire several different companions based on Karma, Money etc; One such companion, Fawkes, who can be hired towards the end of the game, takes up almost an entire doorway in-game. If you're stuck in a tight space with Fawkes stuck in the doorway, he is practically unmovable, and although it is possible after several minutes of running into him to free your character, many people choose to re-load their save instead.
* The Citadel is another likely place to get trapped — Brotherhood scribes love to gather in hallways and bonk repeatedly into each other, issuing a greeting with every collision.

another one
# Captain Obvious: "Ah, of course! My immunity to radiation makes me a far better candidate for surviving in there." Gee, Fawkes, you're just figuring that out now?!

# Enemy pvssyr: Most humanoid and robot enemies taunt you if they detect your presence. This is quite stupid on their part since it helps you locating where and who or what they are.

# Moral Dissonance: Whoo, boy. The karma system is, to put it mildly, a complete and utter mess.

* You get a Karma boost for killing certain evil characters in the game. Whether this is justified or not is up to the player.
* Another point is the rather small range of -1000 to 1000 karma points. Nuked Megaton (-1000)? No problem, just pay 2000 to the local cult and you are the shining beacon of goodness again. Since the game is nice enough to send mercenaries after you if you are too evil or too good, this pays off in no time!
o Note that once you EVER hit evil karma, Regulators will come hunting for your head. In fact, going back to good karma from evil karma means that BOTH the Regulators and the Talon Company mercs are gunning for you, your call to decide that is good or bad.
* And then there's the ending:
o Possible ending 1: Activate purifier, + 1000 Karma. Understandable, so far.
o Possible ending 2: Poison purifier and activate it: no karma change, unless you were on the evil side, in which case you will be neutral after that. Oh, and you just doomed the whole Wasteland to a long and painful death.
o Possible ending 3: Poison purifier and then walk away, leading to its destruction. -1000 karma, and the Wasteland is no better or worse off than before.

Rule Of Drama: The original ending forces the player to make a heroic sacrifice. Even though logically speaking, several of your potential companions could easily perform the action for you and be unharmed. But the companions will refuse to help, with their reasoning being essentially "It's simply more dramatic if you do it."
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Georgine Lee
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 7:58 pm

I'd really like it if we could drag items from the inventory directly into a position in the game world, like you could in morrowind. It was incredibly frustrating to try to organize your swag in oblivion and FO3 when all you could do it launch it out of your forehead.

I actually find the manual placement thing quite fun to use.
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joseluis perez
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 3:23 pm

I actually find the manual placement thing quite fun to use.

same here until everything explodes because you really wanted to put that pair of sunglasses on the shelf.
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Laura-Lee Gerwing
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Post » Thu Aug 19, 2010 1:37 am

same here until everything explodes because you really wanted to put that pair of sunglasses on the shelf.

"Cool, an Action Lincoln! He'll look nice on my shelf."
*lincoln topples out of characters forehead onto floor*
"Okay, now I'll just... oh, he's upside-down, huh... okay, just try to get on your feet there, no, don't knock over that nuka-cola it took me hours to get that there..."
*many moments later*
"Cool, an Action Lincoln! He looks good on my floor."
*shuffles out of house through the piles of crap on the floor, past the many bare empty shelves*
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Kate Murrell
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 12:39 pm

Molerats... I hate those soggy, pink, meat sacks.... I know they're in, so I'm a little sad... But still... Those and Yao Gui are the things I don't want in game.
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tegan fiamengo
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 1:26 pm

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Annick Charron
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 11:19 pm

Molerats... I hate those soggy, pink, meat sacks.... I know they're in, so I'm a little sad

I will destroy you. :flame: :flame: :flame:
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Naomi Ward
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 12:35 pm

I hope Yao Gui aren't as frequent as they were in Fo3, I swear there was one every 100 meters during one of my playthroughs.
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Post » Thu Aug 19, 2010 2:34 am

I will destroy you. :flame: :flame: :flame:

You like them? Really? I think that if they modelled them like they were in the original games (the naked ones were actually PIG RATS) and made them hairy again, I could probably buy into them a little more...
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Bethany Watkin
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 6:54 pm

buildings staying empty after you've killed everything in there.

how about some mole-rates moving on and eating the bodies?
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Greg Cavaliere
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 6:14 pm

2) And why did Three Dog know every useless piece of news-trivia, but didn't know I had killed 90% of the slavers in the Wasteland? (Same thing happened when I accidently killed everyone in Rivet City lol) If I walk into New Vegas and kill everyone in there, I jolly-well want Mr Vegas (or whoever) to broadcast the fact... Sure, Three Dog broadcast the Tenpenny debarkle, but only because that was a quest anyway. Need some leeway for random acts of violence and insane homicide to be taken into account in the story.

If you killed every major slaver camp (PF, Evergreen, lincoln memorial etc.) he will talk about how you have eliminated slavery in the capitol wasteland.
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Amy Gibson
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Post » Thu Aug 19, 2010 4:13 am

You like them? Really? I think that if they modelled them like they were in the original games (the naked ones were actually PIG RATS) and made them hairy again, I could probably buy into them a little more...

I like both generations. But the F3 ones are cute :cryvaultboy: :cryvaultboy: :cryvaultboy:
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Post » Thu Aug 19, 2010 3:28 am

I like both generations. But the F3 ones are cute :cryvaultboy: :cryvaultboy: :cryvaultboy:

you like buck teethed, squint eyed, hairless things? You'd fit in Louisiana http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7yl3UMO-TkE&feature=related
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Kelly James
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 7:41 pm

You like them? Really? I think that if they modelled them like they were in the original games (the naked ones were actually PIG RATS) and made them hairy again, I could probably buy into them a little more...

What's this?
Pigrat is evolving!
/music cues
/halfway through, abort evolving
Pigrat evolved to molerat while devolving to pigrat!
It evolved into an abomination!

I'd actually like the old molerats instead of the over-sized pigrats as well.
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Christina Trayler
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 4:48 pm

I too think the Tenpenny quest was one of the best in the game. It was the only moment that truly felt like Fallout to me.

5) too much repetition in "clutter" - scrap, turps, cigarettes, sensor modules, clothes - huh? If they are the most useful things in the Wasteland, why haven't they all been used yet? You should have to work really hard to find a workshop that has glue and wrenches, not have them scattered everywhere.

Agreed. I spent an inordinate amount of time going through all those containers. Plus it bothered me that no one had bothered to scavenge through these places already. I felt like telling that bum outside of Megaton "Hey man, if you go and rummage through some of the empty buildings in the area, you'll be set for a long time." I kinda liked how STALKER approached this, with all the secret stashes and caches and whatnot. I think a system somewhere inbetween FO3's and STALKER's would work just fine.
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Poetic Vice
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 10:28 pm


I'm getting the feeling you want NV to be turn-based and run off of fallout 1&2's engine also.
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Eileen Collinson
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 3:21 pm

The reasons why I didn't want those items in FONV is that the Stealth Armor, Grim Reaper Spirits, and Almost Perfect Perk they make the game too easy. New Vegas should be a challenge, don't get me wrong I love those two perks and the stealth armor but I want New Vegas to be harder.

It doesn't matter how challenging you want it, it should be optional, not forced.

Key words: Role Playing Game (RPG)
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 3:46 pm

I loved everything about FO3. I just had one problem with it, one very simple issue, the Gauss Riffle didn't make any sense. It should of used two different kinds of ammo:
1) Microfusion cell
2) 2mm.

Instead there was magical 2mm bullets that were attached to it "Preloaded" apparently that never ran out. That is not cool!

Either remove the MF and make it self rechargeable or have it load both essential ammunition that make up this kind of weapon. Its my favorite gun in the game but these little details make want to refuse to use it.
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Joe Bonney
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 7:00 pm

I loved everything about FO3. I just had one problem with it, one very simple issue, the Gauss Riffle didn't make any sense. It should of used two different kinds of ammo:
1) Microfusion cell
2) 2mm.

Instead there was magical 2mm bullets that were attached to it "Preloaded" apparently that never ran out. That is not cool!

Either remove the MF and make it self rechargeable or have it load both essential ammunition that make up this kind of weapon. Its my favorite gun in the game but these little details make want to refuse to use it.

People who realise this is such a small minority that it is not needed at all. Most people who play fallout play blind an little things like that make no difference...
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