Now things I hate, those friggin mines. They are hard to see and leave me pretty crippled always in the middle of a fire fight. Shop prices could be lower for ammo, cores and meds I find it's hard to get a lot of caps from loot.
Piper: "Naw, they never just want to talk. Watch your digits Blue!?! We are not alone here! Now I am mad!"
Detective Valentine: "Who built these vaults, a fitness instructor?"
I love the one line banters.
1. What I am starting to hate are the repeating quest after a certain level. I an level 38 and I have done some the same exact quest three different times now. The same settlers in trouble and the exact same enemy to dispatch; and, in the same locations as the first time.
2. I dislike the fact that when you send Dogmeat back home, so you can travel with Piper he disappears entirely.
3. I hate having to chase Garvey down every time I return to Sanctuary after a mission.
4. I hate Garvey's repetitious remarkes after reporting in.
5. I want to kill the husband and wife grieving over the loss of their son. "Get over it [censored]s and quit whining. Or, get the hell out of my Sanctuary?"
Shall I go on?
I hate that parts of the game are missing for me and I payed for a while game. I didnt get the quarry on PC and lots of other locations which isnt fair I think that other people get them and some of us dont.
They seem to be totally random and repetitive at the same time.
I love building settlements
But I hate the fact that you can't use the editor to get rid of old buildings that were already there or get rid of the corpses.
For instance I have just taken over a boat house. There is an unsightly cow carcass there that is too heavy to move and also the house is in a bad state of repair. So bad in fact that I cant build a roof due to it's layout. Means NPC's sleep in the rain. If I could remove parts of the house or delete it entirely as well as remove that cow I might be able to do something useful with the settlement. But due to these limitation the settlement will be nothing more than a small farm
it's not that hard. just have the quest selected in your pip boy and he will be on you hud as a square with the distance you are from him. I had the same problem at first too, until i realized that.
I love the combat.
I hate the legendary loot.
No I do not want another troubleshooters cane.
No I do not want another mutant slayers leather right arm.
Love: combat, difficulty, gameworld, radiation system, crafting, music.
Hate: no ammo crafting, no weapon repair, no visible weapon holstering, enemies spawning INSIDE settlements during an attack.
Only think I hate are those OP grenades.
"Oh you just took 15 minutes to clear out a building and looked over every nook and cranny for loot? Well here is the last raider with a grenade that he will throw from across the room and have it explode on impact right at your feet. Now do it again!"
I now quicksave every couple of minutes. I have been blown up without a chance to get away too many times.
I have no problems with mine with the sneak perks. Been plenty of times I am crawling around ad look down to see a mine right at my feet and being grateful I have sneak leveled up
I love the combat - more challenging than in previous Fallout's, with more emphasis on strategy instead of just all guns blazing.
I love the settlement building as an idea, BUT in actuality it is somewhat lacking as in many other posts so no need for me to repeat them.
I like the total lack of hand-holding even though I get all in a tizz trying to decide what to do next. True sandbox.
I love the crafting, especially that everything now has a use. Also that we can make foods/drinks for Rad reduction and so on and not just be limited to using chems.
I dislike the dialogue system - it is too limited. For example, now that Preston Carvey wants me to go to the Castle I can't trade with him, get him to join me on other quest and so on. He's holding a whole load of my loot!!!!!
For the most part, i like nearly everything about the game, including, to some extent, the dialogue, as there have been some parts in the story, that i personally do not think would have been impactful had they just gone with no voiced PC dialogue like previously
Things i do not like are:
-the "romances" are nearly as bad as skyrims, only being better in the sense you actually have to finish the companions dialogue options and pass a persuasion check. They amount to some slight change in dialogue and the lovers comfort perk....and thats it, and the scene was kind of arbitrary as well, they kind of just went "wanna start banging" "Sure, why not"
-no weapons holstered, though I kind of understand why they did not do it, since floating weapons are honestly nearly as bad as weapons out of thin air.
-settlement system controls are whacky, and the whole snap together in only certain places thing is REALLY annoying.
- Dialogue options
- Pretty much everything else with some in the middle
Not liking
And separately... feral ghouls. I love what they did with them, how they move and behave, how they suddenly go from slow to fast, slamming into you, I've even seen them crawl on all fours right before charging and it's creepy! And I don't like creepy, I hate fighting these guys when there are a lot to go around. So I guess I have a love/hate relationship with feral ghouls
Love the challenging fights - had a deathclaw attack me from nowhere when having a skirmish with the forgers outside their 'forge' - made me jump that did lol.
Enjoying the settlement building but could of had a more 'fleshed out' tutorial. Really like the fact that you can kit out your settlers with whatever armour and weapons. Saw one of them in my power armour going toe to toe with a super mutant
Companions seem cool but they get in the way a lot and get incapacitated too easily so have decided to be a lone wanderer for now!
The only thing I am not liking is the repeated dialogue from npcs in my settlement/s.
In all I am having a 'blast' with the game but nothing can beat the feeling I had when I first left vault 101 in FO-3
I thought the beginning of the game was poorly designed, written, graphically unimpressive and repetitive because of all the hype. There.
I really like the new Dogmeat, enemy AI, the new looting system, my voiced fem character, the new armor system, the new crafting system and the amazing urban environments.
I like the base building stuff, even though I dot love it (could have been more intiutive, with more parts for flavor and functionality). I dont like the more shooter way they went, since there are shooters for those who like them. I like fallout, and I want more fallout than shooter when buying a fallout game.
I enjoy the game, but somehow, it doesnt have the same feeling as Fallout 3 and Fallout:NV.
- No ammo crafting
-Dialogue options.Needs more.
-Mines are everywhere in this game.
Really? Well that svcks. I can build a diesel generator out of coffee cups but I can't reload ammo?
Well, maybe Bethesda can put it on their list for patched features. Along with being able to remove brambles from the doorway to my house plot.
I like the difficulty, combat, gameworld, base building, crafting.
Annoyed by the some of the interfaces - but I think mods will take care of that eventually.
Troubled by the dialogue system - both the voiced protagonist and the dialogue wheel/ core dialogue. I'm especially concerned how this may limit modders. One of the appeals to mods was that it extends replay - ability ten fold. I'm deeply concerned that if modders don't have access to the core mechanics of the dialogue and/ or the ability to shut off the voiced protag. I'm going to lose interest fast.
Also, the dialogue interface - cameras, everything really - seem really clunky. And after tweaking the .ini for field of view, etc. I hit several bugs where if I shut off the dialogue camera I'd get stuck with no option to leave a conversation. Overall dialogue if very very clunky at best.
As a long time Bethesda games player, I can kinda see the continued evolution Bethesda aimed for - it's been moving toward a more immersive dialogue experience for several games now.... like, being able to walk away from a conversation without closing a menu or anything. And that's a cool direction to shoot for and all... but it seems poorly executed in FO4. It's as though the developers were determined to make it work without really thinking too deeply about the effect it would have on the player experience overall - both from a buggy/ clunky feel to the potential massive reduction in playability and modability.
I hope the dialogue system is very accessible to the modding community.... otherwise this is going to be pretty much a one and done for me.
I like:
Codsworth and some other companions
The environments
Settlement building
I dislike:
Radiant quests
Dialogue wheel