I personal don't like horses. While they don't "scare" me, I think they look creepy and ugly. That said, of course I want horses in the game! I'd prefer some cooler more fantastical mounts, but I would never say no to horses in Skyrim!
I don't mind actual horses, although I've never dealt closely with them.
But I honestly don't care for them in TES - the ones in Oblivion were horrible (bad controls, bad framerates, bad interactions with NPCs & monsters....). I've no interest in dealing with them again, especially not for some probably-really-annoying-to-control "mounted combat". Bleh.
(No, I haven't played Mount & Blade - everything I've seen about the games sounds uninteresting, from the mounted combat to the "managing a warband/kingdom". :shrug:)
Mount & Blade is fantastic (although not the newest one). It's hard to explain why it's so great unless you actually play. It's probably the closest medieval warfare simulator you'll find (where you actually fight alongside troops that is).
Riding into battle alongside hundreds of troops, knowing one of the countless arrows flying through the air can end you life in one shot, that initial clash when cavalry hits cavalry... there is no other game like it out there atm. Managing a warband/kingdom just gets you more attatched to the things that you can oh so easily lose if you drop your guard or don't play your politics right.
Of course I play heavily modded, just like how I play Oblivion and will play Skyrim

Oh and Mount & Blade multiplayer is the S***. I know many people who only play that and never touch the single player. It is just 100% awesome.