» Fri Aug 27, 2010 1:19 pm
I don't want...
- To do some crime such as stealing or kill a lone guard and all of a sudden everyone in the world instantly know's. How would people know what good's are stolen lol?
- identical dungeons.
- few voice actor's
- Oblivions horrible leveling system
- Enemies to scale with my level, I hated having to wait for later levels to find any interesting enemies. ALSO items should not scale that stunk having to wait till i was a high level to pick up Dawnfang ETC.
I DO WANT (note some of these features were in previous games I just want them greatly improved.)
- Horse combat
- Spears
- Beards
- I want Co-op atleast maybe a Versus in the arena ( I want them as options they would not affect people who do not want these features YOU do not have to participate!!!! but it's nice to have the option ) maybe a Demon's souls kinda multyplayer.
- Jousting in the arena mode if a form of multi player is made!!! if done right it could be cool and you could make wagers, bet gear etc.
- GORE interesting battle wounds, armor damage, impaling, hit reactions, death animations ( BUT NOT LIKE FALLOUT.. i did not like that one.) If my character is strong enough he should be able to lob people in half, smash heads, and send opponents flying back!
- Shield bash, riposte, special moves with each weapon, and more unlocked as you progress in certain skills and attributes.
- More enemy variety!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- A really memorable nemesis.
- an epic mount.
- Epic weapons that are really hard to get and have really ridiculous/unique affects attributes and looks.
- The ability to have a group come with me maybe from different factions i am in, like maybe 2-3 people and they have interesting dialogue according to the situation.