The internet in general, excluding Twitter and Facebook because they just increase emotions if I'm stressed, upset, etc. I love to catch up on my youtube subscriptions, mainly, and I also love to check my Tumblr to see the hilarious stuff people have posted, along with really awesome stuff people have created. Other things range from checking forums (like this, not been here in a while, but I'm actually in a downer so I'm keeping my mind distracted) and news feeds (mostly gaming ones, like Joystiq).
I listen to music
all the time (even as I type this! :laugh: ), it relives me big time. Like when on a car journey or out walking or something like that I take a collective breath and feel at ease. That kind of feeling drug addicts get when they inject their poison in them or when an alcoholic takes a gulp of their beverage. Only time I have it paused is when I'm watching a video or gaming (depends what game, of course). I play music when I study and read too, some people can't concentrate with music on but I can't concentrate without it, in complete silence. Ironically enough, my more emotionally provoking and heavier music from artists such as Bring Me The Horizon, gets me more relaxed and in a better mood than, let's say, Owl City (unless I'm cheery, Owl City would sustain the cheeriness

I have an OCD, so when I do things like tidy my room or organize my iTunes library (you have no idea how batty I get at people who have pathetically organized iPods! Classic example is when they have Lady Gaga as two artists; one "Lady Gaga" and the other "Lady GaGa". :stare: ) I feel so relived and I enjoy it too. I'm also a very lazy person so, for example, my room will build up a mess over a while and I'll go on a field trip. I actually just created a timetable for my exams next month and stuck it on my wall. Doing that makes me feel more prepared and puts me at ease just knowing when such and such is going to happen.
Gaming, of course, helps me relax, but it depends. Games like Dragon Age I find relaxing (or well, at least the first playthrough round) because it's not frustrating (much, as long as I have a save not long ago from when I died) compared to FPSs like Halo where it can put me in " :glare: " or in rare cases " :swear: ". Unless I'm whooping ass. RPG games also immerse me in the game, so I forget the real world for a while. Other games like Minecraft are just soothing to play, because it's a simple, fun and exciting game.