When you consider how much money is made off of them, what they put their bodies through, and how fast a career can end. I actually think they wind up underpaid and taken advantage of.
Id like to know who hear is an athlete too, cause Id put more stalk in their opinion. I dont see a lot of athletic RPG Gamers. That isnt a diss either, its a fact. Ive looked at our photo thread.
I played high school football, and scored 5 touchdowns in a game, one more than Al Bundy!

I must admit, on the other hand, this forum and gamers in general these days are less friendly to sports. I played football and basketball in high school, only street hockey with friends since there was no ice in California and the closest rinks were implausible to drive to due to that side of the family's (mom's) lack of interest in hockey. I was confused for a jock, nerd, metal head, goth.. high school kids don't seem to be able to get their stereotypes correct. In comparison, those in the military I would say go through quite a bit themselves, and those involved in entertainment (even NHL players who certainly are getting hurt) do not have it the worst, especially for the pay they get. Although, I won't fight much about acknowledging there's really no other way to deal with the compensation athletes get.
Lastly, the United States is capitalism, not socialism. We are not the USSA
If you'd like, you can PM and I can relieve you of a few misconceptions to show this is incorrect.