Urgh, no please I don't want a story line that is essentially "WHERE IS MY FAMILY, GIVE ME MY FAMILY" like that would be so damn awful.
I fine with some ties like friends and family(well dad) like in FO3 but a wife and child is too much. It's one thing to give romance options but I don't want a lover thrown on me.
No family, no friends. I want a blank slate for my character.
Having a set background makes role playing difficult. I know for most people role playing it playing the character... but that wasn't what Fallout was about. Fallout was based on old school pen and paper RPGs in which we the play make our own character.
Fallout 3 for example gives us our age,19 and it tells us who are parents are and that IMO was/is very restricting. No matter what I am now a 19 year old who spent most of his life in a Vault and have large parts o my childhood filled in for me.
Fallout on the other hand, we start in Vault 13 and yeah we know some people. But we don't know their whole life story, we can make pretty much any character we what with whatever reason we want for why we chose to go on the mission to find the Water Chip.
Pretty much the only back ground info that we need is "you are from here" and that is about it.
I hope the family thing was a virtual reality like in vault 112. Maybe the part when you and your family die is the end of the virtual reality. It doesn't make a lot of sense but it's better than being tied down.
Yes, but that's still limiting our options.
Maybe I don't want to be closeted. Maybe I want my character to have been out loud and proud all her life.
We shouldn't have to work with what we've got on such a deep character level in an RPG.
If Bethesda want to make a game about a character with a family they should just make a seperate game. Or a spinoff.
I agree with you, marriage and children really are huge choices to be set (and not choose) for the player. My point is that it would be nice to see this in a game. I don't mind if it will be on Fallout, but I can understand why you and many others would be upset.
That is a lot of assumptions but ok, I'll play.
Everyone I know has a set family. Born to one woman and one man. Maybe sisters and or brothers. Aunts and Uncles sometimes. So I don't think it at all odd that this dude has a set Mamma and Daddy and I doubt very much they would still be around to be important in the game. And we may never know one iota about any of them other than what we imagined from this video. Still...pretending, even that vague courier with the unknown background had a set family.
I'm set either ways. I'll cook up some story to fill in the gaps.
The assumptions is not that he has a mother and father(obviously he has)but if he has a Wife and children.
Well, if my character comes with a wife or husband and kids, I'm out of there. I've had enough of all that in real life. I like to keep it out of my gameplay.
The PC will be an android with false memories. Bank on it.
Well, I would honestly prefer to start out with a blank slate in order to allow for many different character and RP possibilities, but I suppose that a set set character/backstory might not be so bad - provided that Bethesda goes about it the right way.
Something along the lines of how Mass Effect handles this I feel would be too constrictive in that it wouldn't allow for very much player input when it comes to deciding what the PC is like and who they are. I'd be lying if I didn't say that I would be somewhat dissapointed if I learned that we had to play as a set character with a concrete backstory and so on, but at the end of the day it really just comes down to how much customization Bethesda is willing to give us for the PC. If we happen to get a "set" PC who also happens to be fully customizable appearance-wise and has a vague enough backstory to allow for plenty of different RP possibilities, then so be it.
But that would be trite and predictable. There's no way any decent writer would - wait a minute... never mind.
Seriously now, Bethesda already used that idea for Fallout 3's android side quest. I doubt they'll reuse it even for a main story.
I love Ulysses. I need more of him and his glorious voice.
He made [censored] all sense. I made a point of Sniping him from max distance so I wouldnt be forced to listen to his drivel in every playthrough after The first.
Voice was cool though.