This isn't about the importance of Roleplaying in an RPG it is about YOUR subjective desire to eliminate something you don't like. Roleplaying is all about coming up with something WITHIN the limitations set by the creaters of a table top rpg, your DM in said table top RPG or the designers of a game. Limitations are part and parcel of roleplaying. Deal with it.
You can either, accept them, quit in a huff, QQ and do the 'woe is me' rant about how Bethesda is ruining the game. Like they haven't heard this chicken little gamer rant before. FO3 was so ruined and so was Skyrim because of design choices they made it is a miricle Bethesda survived as a company just look at their growth during this time period... oh wait. Or if you just REFUSE to accpet the limitations placed on you, you can use a bloody mod.
This isn't an issue no matter how much you want it to be one. It just ISN'T important to Bethesda. Every Elder Scrolls SOMEONE SOMEWHERE complains about being forced to start off as a prisioner and not ONCE have they changed this. Bethesda really doesn't care what their fans say because far too often their fans are WRONG. The big issues that will ruin the game just doesn't ruin the game and the game goes on to be successful. THAT is the track record of bethesda.