» Sun Aug 08, 2010 10:03 pm
Imagine that you and about 200 of your acquaintances are all living together in container city. You has decided that you are fed up with how they are being treated by the man that owns this floating city, and not knowing whether or not the owner of this magnificent vessel are living under much the same circumstances, albeit with a marked cosmetic difference, you decide that you want to live as equals. The building that you and your 200 friends have been living in, eating his food, drinking his water and generally freeloading off. You tire of doing the chores that the owner has set you about, and like petulant children you demand that he give you an allowance. He says no. The greatest crime of all. so you pitch a fit, scream and yell, and generally bemoan your station. So the man slaps you and tells you to shut up and get back to your duties.
In short the Resistance is acting like a spoiled teenager that wants his way and will do anything to get it.
That is how the Security sees them. And who can say that this is not a valid argument?
Of cause the Security have probably been surrounded by propaganda, or has been specifically sheltered from the life of average Joe Ark.
I dislike being seen as a child throwing a tantrum, so will educate the Security Oppressors with 7.62mm goodness.