I'd hope they'd look a lot like this.
I'd hope they'd look a lot like this.
Aye, Argonian children would look awesome like that
Argonians are so weird, they're reptiles with mammary glands. They're like anti-platypus or something.
That is a pretty cool picture though.
Lol thats exactly the way I think of them. Argonians are the Platypus of the Elderscrolls world.
Small build and shorter snout, and possibly more prominent gills/visible gills?
Do you have a source that says Argonians are actually lizards? For all we know they are just scaly mammals. It's a different universe, things are bound to not make sense
Would you accept racial slurs from Nord guards?
If we're going by those rules, then Nords are monkeys.
And, to most cultures, the Argonians are still a mystery. Also there are no medical sciences in skyrim, so there is no official classification.
I'm sure there are some books there. Just like there's a book about racial interbreeding somewhere in Skyrim.
Now a picture that isn't a fanart.
Head looks a bit.. Big.
But its kind of cute.
All children's heads are big in relation to their bodies. Or do you mean its head looks big, even for a child's? I personally thought the proportions were about correct. The horns did make it look a little too large though. But if you take them off, it looks right to me.
Well its more his neck. It looks so thin, like he shouldn't be able to hold his head up without it toppling over. The head by itself is cute though.
I made a thread a while ago about wanting Argonian children in Skyrim.
I think they'd be adorable.
They'll look like this: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-r37vFzB6y60/USiB_rBUdSI/AAAAAAAADb4/f_YvMn8rva8/s1600/lizard-and-varan-2850--lizard-and-varan-wallpaper.jpg
Well, there is sorta some, but nothing too major. http://www.imperial-library.info/content/lycanthropy, and http://www.imperial-library.info/content/racial-phylogeny