» Thu May 19, 2011 2:26 am
I love what im hearing about the game so far and cant wait to actually see it. Im hoping to see a bit more life in the world. Im hearing it will be possible to get a job, f.x. at a inn, not sure how much of this is true tho. I am however hoping to see people coming in to the inn not just standing there for a couple of hours or randomly starting to eat food laying around the room. I`d like to see them go the counter, order a meal, sit and wait for it to be prepared and then eat and pay. Being well aware this is not diner dash, i`d love to see that kind of life put into the world. Also being able to find a job at places like this would make the world feel more like a place you live your life.
Another thing is the weapons. Hoping for a more feel of impact and also different impact as to what weapon youre using. Im hoping to see a blunt weapon splintering a shield, a sword cutting into an enemy.. things like that. Also weapons should have a different effect hitting differnet parts of the body and the damage hindering the enemy. Especially the bow were a bit annoying in Oblivion. Unless you pulled the game difficulty way,way down you had to shoot everyone like a hundred times rather then making a stealthy kill with one masterful hit.
Also i hope tha guards reacting to crime has been altered so they dont come running to get you for crimes they had no way to know about. I`d prefer it would be consequenses later if there is witnesses or evidence..
I`d also love to customize my house a lot more to fit my needs rather then buying a already set group of furniture, maybe making it myself? (i also heard rumours about that possibility so i guess we`ll see)
Other then that i`d like to add that Bethesda Softworks are the gaming love of my life,lol. Cheers.