As long as the mudcrabs aren't
so aggressive that they want to claw the guts out of you every time they see you, and as long as the mudcrabs don't
spot you so far away, and finally as long as there aren't
so many mudcrabs.
It was hella' annoying in Oblivion with mudcrabs for above reasons. I'd rather call them murdercrabs than mudcrabs in Oblivion

Mudcrabs in Skyrim will be so aggressive they want to claw the guts out of you, your children, and your children's children every time they even
think there is a chance of someone possibly seeing you at some point in their life or undeath.
They will able to spot you
all the way from Akavir!
And they shall be as numerous as the sands upon the shore, the trees within the forest, and stars above the skies!