So what do you think of Skyrim?

Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 8:40 am

I like it a lot. Though not as much as Morrowind, Daggerfall, or modded Oblivion. At least not yet. That opinion might change in a year or so when there are a good number of mods available...
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Breanna Van Dijk
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 5:30 am

Great mixture of Morrowind and Oblivion, better than both.

Sadly there's not enough variation in Wifdlife/Plants/Armour/Weapons on my opinion, but no doubt I'll find mods for that.
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Christina Trayler
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 10:16 am

To see how many hours you've played, choose Load instead of Continue. When it shows the image of the game you're looking at, it says how many hours right on it.

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Jeremy Kenney
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 2:29 am

I like everything about it except that it's a sloppy port from the consoles (User Interface).

I also don't like the DRM (Steam).

I got burned once before with an app. that had DRM and the company went kaput.

I got stuck with a $175.00 useless program.

Other than that. . . The Game ROCKS !!

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Connie Thomas
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 5:14 am

To see how many hours you've played, choose Load instead of Continue. When it shows the image of the game you're looking at, it says how many hours right on it.


Thank you all for the answers ;) I'm glad you assumed I clicked 'Continue' instead of lashing out on me for not knowing. I did infact choose Continue every time. I will try this thanks.
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T. tacks Rims
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Post » Mon Dec 05, 2011 8:57 pm

I actually want to get as many answers as possible...please vote in the poll, would appreciate it ;)

Sorry, I didn't vote. It's too early for me to say.

It does look pretty good so far. Just not far enough in less than one week to compare it to Morrowind or Oblivion or other games just yet.
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Lexy Corpsey
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 2:19 am

Ultima series has a place in my heart as my fav of all time. But Skyrim is a huge return for Elder Scrolls after the horribly compromised and commercial detour that was Oblivion. I wonder if the intervening world domination of WoW convinced them that actually there was a place in the mass market for premium sandbox RPG. It's not everything I would want my ideal sandbox RPG to be but Skyrim has been way more than I dared to hope for to be honest.
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cheryl wright
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 7:29 am

In case people are curious...I'm 52 hours in already...I'm just now starting to do Whiterun quests, but very slowly. I've spent most of my time with Janessa(after finally letting her go 35-ish hours into the game in order to get Lydia instead-which by the way, she svckS. Janessa is a better Merc than Lydia..I'm actually surprised at how different the hirelings can be) clearing caves and such close to the city of Whiterun (in a roleplaying sense, I'm making the land of Whiterun 'safe' from bandits, falmers and the like. Some mages from a mage cave/hideout came out and killed Balbus (some random NPC who wanders the roads near Whiterun) I re-loaded the game and cleared all the caves around Whiterun, and he's well alive. Another wanderer joined Balbus as well, and for some reason they're both walking down the roads together LOL attacking anything in their way(they were ambushed by 3 bandits but overpowered the bandits) they might be in love.)))

I've only done the first story quest which involves killing the dragon and getting the axe of Whiterun from the Jarl(which I have displayed in my house instead) and I'm now the Thane which is great (I got myself out of a sticky situation involving a guard by telling him I'm the Thane, that kept them from arresting me as a result) though I hope it's not going to be that easy... I only stole something for a quest but I hope the 'Thane' excuse is impossible when actually murdering someone in the town-especially a guard...otherwise that's too easy.

Anyways, I'm a Nord heavy built...52 hours in..I've given Lydia full Dwarven armor crafted to Superior(I can craft up to Elven on the left side, and Dwarven on the right) and I haven't even done more than maybe 2 quests(2 quests that I've actively SEEKED out...I'd say I have finished another 6 or something by accident, or objectives given to me by the steward of Whiterun. I've learned 4 shouts but killed 3 dragons so I have 3 dragon souls..(btw did anyone else keep ALL of the dragon scales/bones? I displayed some in the house and put the rest in a cupboard) I haven't even touched any of the guilds, haven't continued the main quest line, or seeked out too many quests. I'm currently doing the Gray-Mane quest, but other than that I'm taking my time crafting, looting caves etc. completely and taking it all back to the city to sell(sometimes I've been overencumbered to 1200/300 and walked all the way back in order to make big bucks) with that money I was easily able to buy the house and decorate it and then some. But I keep finding myself spending it alot on crafting. I have NEVER bought potions or food, and I take whatever I find...yet I still find myself using all of them, so with that said, I am very satisfied with the difficulty. I only wished ALL the dragons were pretty tough, and not just weak dragons, then adept dragons and master dragons etc....the weak dragons should be stronger than a sabre tooth at least. I should fear them, but instead I find pleasure and fun in slaying them. I hope Alduin is a tough s.o.b.. But please, nobody spoil anything regarding the main quest. I'm still spending my time exploring.

At this rate I think 600 hours will be the time that it takes to 100% everything, not counting the eventual expansions. Sweet!
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 10:42 am

its just a computer game

Sorry the above and below comments were from my older brother!

Skyrim is class
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Taylor Tifany
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 10:59 am

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Sabrina Steige
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 3:15 am


What are you, 4 years old?
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Philip Rua
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 8:51 am

Morrowind has better RP, but I'd still rate skyrim as my favorite TES game just because of the scale and detail of the world.

Better than oblivion IMO, probably about equal with morrowind.
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Katie Louise Ingram
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 5:12 am

Great game, but they should have cleaned up the bugs before release.
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Laura Richards
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 11:08 am

Pretty darn good so far. I'll reserve judgment until I play it through. That "shorter than expected" option in the poll worried me - hope its not.
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Josee Leach
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 8:55 am

Pretty darn good so far. I'll reserve judgment until I play it through. That "shorter than expected" option in the poll worried me - hope its not.

Oh I was just curious to see what the general consensus would be, since I've read a few people here thought the game was overhyped and that they had finished it in 2 days....pfft..they are obviously NOT Elder Scrolls fans at ALL...and are probably from the Fable demographic. I didn't even do a DECENT amount of completion in Fallout 3 until 2 1/2 weeks of playing the game. And I still need to play all the DLC and get more weapons, finish the main story etc. in FO3. I spent I think, 80 hours in FO3 and I hear it's pretty much a 100 hour game. Pretty decent I'd say.

I just wanted to make sure and see if those people are trolls or if there really are many people agreeing on that poll option...which is scary indeed but it's really just 1% choosing that, and anyone can come on this forum and discuss..Skyrim is 600 hours and that's more than the 198 that I spent on Oblivion(I have literally less than 10 quests to do, and 2 more achievements, and still need to finish 2 more DB quests until I 100% all of Oblivion including the expansions...I still need the DLC though like mage tower etc.) so Skyrim is 3 times as big, even without dlc and expansions. Oh and it took me 30 days of obsessive playing in Oblivion to get to that stage. Now I have less time on my hands so I imagine I'd finish this game in 4 months or so. I hope the expansions come out Summer 2012!
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Wayland Neace
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 10:12 am

its a good game, just not a great elderscrolls game imo.
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Post » Mon Dec 05, 2011 11:37 pm

I like it a lot, but there are some things I wish they had either done right, or just left out entirely. Maybe we will get better options with DLC. I guess we'll see.

I'm on the fence on whether or not I like it better than Oblivion. Oblivion was something special - from the opening credits that was nothing short of epic right up until the final battle in the Imperial City - I loved it. Skyrim is a nice place to visit, but it just doesn't feel as diverse as previous games. Maybe it's the overdose of Nords. Maybe it's the hyper-medieval feel. I can't put my finger on it, but something is holding me back from declaring this one my favorite RPG of all time, despite the advantages it has over its predecessors.
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Isabel Ruiz
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 11:58 am

I vote favorite of all time. However, it is close to Daggerfall for me. Adjusted for technology level of course. Anyway, despite a couple of gripes I feel like an awed kid again with this.
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Post » Mon Dec 05, 2011 8:31 pm

What do I think of Skyrim? I think it's fucking awesome.
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Marquis T
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Post » Mon Dec 05, 2011 8:13 pm

What do I think of Skyrim? I think it's fucking awesome.

Hey how'd you.... huh? *scratches head*
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Sierra Ritsuka
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 6:29 am

I think it is better than Morrowind and Oblivion. The only thing that annoys me is the lack of the stats/attributes page
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Danny Warner
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 12:22 pm

I think it is better than Morrowind and Oblivion. The only thing that annoys me is the lack of the stats/attributes page

The leveling system makes the game so much more awarding. I'm spending most of my recent levels (I'm now almost level 17) on smithing perks. Because of this I'm still slightly weak, but it's worth it in order to make armor etc. and craft it to superior.

The only thing I don't understand though...these games tend to have armors like Fur, Leather, Iron, Steel, Dwarven, Elven, Orcish etc...and now the game has added Imperial armor, steel imperial armor, steel plate, ancient nord armor, falmer, forsworn, hide, studded, this game supposedly has ebony and daedric as well and many other unique looking armors...I found a hide helmet with horns on it so they all look unique but...there should be a perk in the smithing tree where we can LEARN how to craft leather, fur, iron, imperial etc as well as hide. And why don't they add things like Bronze, Brass, Copper, Golden, Silver, Black steel armor? I'm not sure if this game has black steel like in Oblivion but I'm just wondering...even Iron seems kind of strong and a huge upgrade from Leather to would have been nice to add some more armor sets between the levels. Had it been that way, I would be wearing barely Steel by now, and not all the way up to Dwarven armor. Not complaining, it would just be better. I recall it was harder to find these armors in Oblivion, and didn't they have chainmail in Oblivion? I loved that...nice gap between..well I forgot which armor it came before but you get the point.

I'm not complaining about the armors, just that they left things like chainmail out and never added something like bronze armor which is pretty simple to make irl. The more armors, the more rewarding it can be. Oh and most bandits wear iron and studded armor, which I love. I'm glad they're not wearing things like full steel or dwarven like in Oblivion. I do recall the bandit leaders however having at least one from those sets, like a dagger or hammer, but I don't think they had any of these armor pieces which means the level scaling is nothing like Oblivion's.

Overall this is really the only thing I recall they could have beefed up. I want WAY more 'crappy' armor sets. I shouldn't be crafting Elven and Dwarven at lvl 16. Maybe It's just been so long since I played Oblivion and I must have forgotten that it was easy to get to Dwarven sets...idk.
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James Hate
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Post » Mon Dec 05, 2011 11:22 pm

I voted Rpg Of The Decade. SKYRIM is a major revolution of the greatness from MORROWIND and OBLIVION. Today for the first time i lowered my ingame brightness all the way down like i do to all Bethesda games and i was astounded to see SKYRIM become even more buetiful with richer colors without losing any of its intense beauty. We are truly blessed and fortunate to have people like Bethesda who create such worlds where we can live out our fantasies.

Another first tonight was using restoration spells. I was really impressed how i no longer have to hit the mouse button a million times to keep on casting a heal spell. Now i just press down on it and my character heals til their magic is exhausted if i keep it pressed long enough. It was an exciting moment to see i still had to run for my life while healing so i wasnt invincible as i first thought which felt much more realistic then the spellcasting from previous Elder Scrolls even though they had their checks and balances aswell.
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jessica sonny
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 6:21 am

For the PC version, my grievances are few, but strong:

First off are the textures, PC was told that higher resolution textures would be available, but that was deceptive marketing. We we actually got was not the supposed high-res textures, but just slightly bigger versions of the same textures the consoles got. So, if Bethesda has no intention of releasing a PC-centric texture upgrade, that means Todd and Pete lied to the PC community about this. And I will not stand for being lied to, nor will any of the other PC users here. Beth has already gotten an earful about this, though, so I will say no more here.

Next is the UI. Terrible, borked, and badly ported are the PC-specific objections I have to it. The general objection, though (universal to all platforms) is the style-before-substance approach that was taken with it. For being a supposed "Apple-inspired" UI, it displays an amazingly small amount of information at once. In the space that could have been used to provide stats and descriptions of everything in my viewed Inventory lists, for example, they instead put a giant and completely unnecessary 3D model of it for no other reason than to show them off, and the rest of it is just an oversized box containing the info of one item that could have been used for ten. Basically, there is no way possible to get a quick overview of anything in this UI, which is a critical violation of a basic design philosophy: give the user easy to access information. I can only view my item stats one at a time, I can only view five skills at one time on the screen, and the "map" is hopelessly overdone. Plain and simple: Bethesda got the whole "ease of use" thing way wrong here. The UI is absolute trash, and needs to be returned to the drawing board to have A LOT of excess flim-flam cut out and replaced with things that are actually useful. 3D item viewing can go, as can the hard-to-read overhead map that was completely and totally Bethesda showing off.

Lastly: bad porting. Bethesda really doesn't seem to care about the functionality of the other two platforms anymore. PC gets the middle finger of "just do it yourself," (we should not be stuck using our gift of the Construction Set to fix all their problems) and increasing incompetence has been demonstrated with their PS3 porting. Skyrim has the exact same issues as Fallout 3 did that got so many PS3 player so riled up. And now they are understandably infuriated that Bethesda shipped a broken PS3 version, again. Combining PS3 and PC together, that's almost half of their user-base they seem to not give a care in the world for.

But those are just three issues out of a potential thousand. The other 997 things about the game I am very happy with. :)
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Nick Tyler
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 2:53 am

To tell the truth,I was expecting Oblivion 2.I must admit the game is much better than that and I'm glad to have been wrong.It's still not good as MW for me,but definately much closer to it than OB was.

One complaint I have is though,the morally black and white characters are maybe even worse than Oblivion.What I mean is,there are bad guys with no explanation to their so-called evil intentions,and there are good guys that are full of nothing but virtue.Feels so _ucking artificial.The bad guys are straight bad from the start (Winterhold college,the orphanage in Riften,dragons etc.)and there are no plot twists.So,the story is pretty boring and predictable.At least with the side quests.

What I'm expecting is morally grey characters,where the bad guys have actual and debatable reasons,and the good guys having a selfish/dark side to them.In Morrowind,everybody had intentions on their own,those who you call villains and heroes as well.It was much more believeable.

I would like to be able to choose sides in the main quest as well for the next game,but before that I'd like to have this issue fixed first.

It doesn't feel like I'm in a mature fantasy world when people are so black-and-white,it feels like I'm in a fairy tale.
This is the biggest hit to my enjoyment of the game right now.
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