I'd say a war axe dual wielder. They are weak in the beginning, but end up very strong in the once the One-Handed skill reaches level 70 I guess? And also take destruction or archery to fight from a distance. (Archery is the most OP choice). And use restoration for healing. Most OP thing you can have. With this, you can kill Elder Dragons in 10 secs on Expert.
EDIT: This is the build:
Major skills: One-Handed, Conjuration, Archery/Destruction
Minor Skills: Restoration, Smithing, Heavy Armor
First, spend a perk in novice restoration.
Then put all your perks in the One-Handed skill, except the weapon specialisations.
Whenever you need a higher restoratiom spell, buy the spell reduction perk, and any other good perk.
Then put perks some perks in Archery/Destructiom
At later levels, start using conjuration and put perks in it.