A few weapons I'm quite happy with.
As a handgun aficionado in real life I truly enjoy the art and effects in default game of:
10mm pistol (when craft modded)
.44 (mag) revolver (which kicks major [censored] with craft mods )
Others worthy of note that I enjoy from art and effect in default game are:
Double barrel shotgun .. up until one can get the...
Semi auto combat shotgun.
Sniper Rifles 308 ,
The 50 caliber default sniper was a huge let down. It was absurdly weak. It is a 50 caliber for crying out loud.
This had to be fixed by a mod I found on Nexus and am using the 1.5 multiplier on it now to get in the range of total rampage devestation that
weapon should deliver. So that one is fixed by a community mod.
Assault rifles or full autos of most any sort of ballistic weapon.
Very dissatisfied with the art on these.
I want my AK's and my M16 style full autos. I want select fire and full auto. I have none of that.
This entire tree will have to wait for toolkit mods to both fix art with full mesh work done, and actual mechanics of the guns with hopefully proper select fire mode.
The 38 caliber weapons of the entire range I'm unhappy with, especially the 'pistols'.
I won't be happy until full mod kit arrives with a 357 Smith and Wesson style revolver is in game.
I also want to see a .50 caliber Smith and Wesson insane over the top style revolver and or semi auto pistol. Ever shoot one in real life? Don't. lol.
Energy weapons, I have no comment on. I melt those or sell to vendors. I never was a fan or user of those in FO3/ or NV .
That is because I'm a old grumpy man who likes guns that go BOOM.
I can see the art direction Bethesda went with vaires vastly from NV and I can understand why they did it. That said, I think they went
too far into the 'simpleton and idiotic' design of the weapons. Just a bit too far.
Come to think of it, the odd exceptions are the 44 mag revolver and the snipers.
I almost forgot to mention .45ACP (I presume the .45 in game is meant to be ACP rimless and not a Colt rimmed case). I'm let down
as you can probably guess from my chosen forum icon. I will have to wait for months for a mod to hopefully incorporate a Colt 1911 or modern Glock
type design semi auto. I can tweak said mod when it arrives to have what I envision proper damage in relation to this game, as about same
as the default 38 caliber revolvers in the game. It need not be OP nor should it. So far though, in default game. All my 45 weapons are
closet Nancys. They stay at home. I see no need to bother with them.
None of that whine above matters. Mods can and will fix to user taste for all of us.
PC users first, which is by divine right.
I am using a number of mod texture fixer uppers for sniper and my 44 revolvers which are doing fine for me. No mesh work needed on those.