What you want in DLC from skyrim

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:51 am

Mounting dragons !!!
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:24 am

DLC name: Of Wolf And Man

A werewolf has been killing travellers, bandits and townsfolk as well as live stock, horses and local wild life in the game world. The head of one of the towns says he'll pay you a substantial amount of gold if you can hunt it down, kill it and produce its head to him.

The werewolf only hunts at night and, like dragons, will appear randomly throughout the game world. Its your job to investigate the mauled bodies, claw and teeth marks it has left behind as well as speaking to local people about where it has attacked so that you can search for it close by.

ALTERNATIVE OUTCOME: While investigating a nearby cave during the day time you find a man cowering near a rock in torn clothes covered in blood. It turns out that this guy is actually the werewolf (this man will always hide in caves during the daytime so depending on where it has attacked at night, it will be likely he is in a cave in that area during the day) and you can choose to kill him there or take him back to his father (the town's head who sent you on the quest in the first place) who straps him down and brings in the local witch doctor to remove the curse. However during the ritual some of the werewolf curse is transferred to you. This gives you the Call Of The Wolf ability which means that wolves will no longer attack you and you even have the ability to call on their assistance during a battle.

This alternative outcome is conditional on you finding the man during the day time. If you encounter the werewolf at night then you simply need to kill it and produce the head for the substantial gold reward.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:21 pm

Some decent bases like in oblivion - Im console so for RP purposes the litttle houses in the city don't do ito for me!

a shack in the middle of no where?

or bigger bases like the wizards tower in oblivion?

i dunno, interesting what thye do

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Robert Devlin
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:31 am

I want a huge Telvanni outpost in the Velothi Mountains where they sell all the spells we lost ...
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Nichola Haynes
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:45 pm

What do you want from bethesda's expansion? I would like an arena with a fight to the death tournament with other events like jousting.

I'm with you. I was surprised that Skyrim lacked one to begin with. Nords and no arena? Seriously? Anyway it should be dynamic and not quest based like in Oblivion. Bet on fights or participate in random challenges (or weekly tournaments with a price). Perfect for warming up after a long brake from playing.
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Brittany Abner
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:56 pm

The ability to talk / interact / fight from horseback.

A horse whistle, so I'm not trudging 200ft to where I left my horse, having cleared out the area but now too encumbered to run to it while it just stands there staring at me.

The ability for your companions / escort missions to double on your own horse, OR, give them their own horses.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:01 pm

Mounting dragons !!!

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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:34 am

Elsweyr is only half the size of Skyrim, so it would make a great DLC. Harsh, hot deserts and rainforests are an excellent contrast from the snowy tundra of Skyrim.
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Darian Ennels
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:35 am

I'd love a daedra expansion like Shivering Isles, but with a different god. Hircine would be cool. Perhaps even an expansion with extra bits for all the daedra. Their quests were so awesome in this one. Also, Colovian Fur Helm, not sure why this isn't in the original game.
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Paul Rice
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:04 am

My top 5 DLC requests:

1) Spellmaking

2) Expansion to the Mage Guild questline. Story about the Psijic

3) Dragon Riding

4) Co-op

5) HORSE ARMOUR!! (im kidding!!!) :D
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Samantha hulme
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:26 am

What do you want from bethesda's expansion? I would like an arena with a fight to the death tournament with other events like jousting.

I'm wondering why nearly every building looks similar, the spell count and general monsters are much fewer, instead of being complex everything is snow, stones and mountains, even the story same [censored], the king gets assassinated from a rival group.

DLC I'd like.
New overpowered race that also gets three perks per level being able to max with useful passive and active powers.
At least more variety than Oblivion. Few animals, elements and raise undead, that's about it.
For a Nord place I'm very disappointed not having found anything similar to the Morrowind Bloodmoon, Skaal village.
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Eric Hayes
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:33 am

It would be cool to have a big long gladiator quest line set in a big city. Or an expansion that takes us to another part of the world via huge ship and we could go back and forth between the two places by boat. I want more political intrigue and stories with betrayal and rich people and kings and stuff. It's always saving the world or becoming some half god and destiny.
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Nancy RIP
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:09 pm

as much as i would love it as well, i don't think it will ever happen, beth already said they didn't want to take away from the single player experience, and could you imagine rushing into battle swinging your swords like crazy, then your archer buddy zooms in and slows down time by 50% for the duration of the fight? would be a nightmare!

but on that note...beth, if you make an mmo based in the elder scrolls universe....i will do unspeakable things for you :hubbahubba:

If they ever make TES series into a MMO.. I will forever have lost faith in the gaming industry
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Dagan Wilkin
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:49 pm

I want to go to Hammerfelll and kick some Thalmor ***. Maybe even join the Alikir warriors.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:06 pm

I think they should have you travel back to the time of the Dwarves or something and learn how they became extinct. Like either choose to fight them with the falmer and extinct them, or help them but then something happens later you can't control. Anything involving the Dwarves really but it would be awesome to be in a thriving underground Dwarven city with the robots as guards and stuff.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:24 am

1. A new, interesting area. Kind of like what Bloodmoon added in Morrowind and Shivering Isles added to Oblivion.
2. Expanding some of the quests that seemed to just end too early.
3. More factions, especially a vampire one.
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Flesh Tunnel
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:33 pm

It would be cool where you have to save the world from itself with the different factions and characters warring against each other. Quests would involve stealing plans or gold and weapons, It wouldn't just be about killing everyone there would be quests that involve having to use the speech skills to talk to characters and make bargains and deals with NPC characters.
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CArlos BArrera
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:21 am

I think they should have you travel back to the time of the Dwarves or something and learn how they became extinct. Like either choose to fight them with the falmer and extinct them, or help them but then something happening later you can't control. Anything involving the Dwarves really but it would be awesome to be in a thriving underground Dwarven city with the robots as guards and stuff.

Aldmeri didn't exterminate the Dwemer (Dwarves were elves called Dwemer, and you already seem confused ;) ), the Dwemer exterminated themselfs. Its a very central storyline that is well explored in Morrowind. We know what happend. Basically the Dunmer (well before they were Dunmer, don't remember what they called themselfs before they were turned black and red eyed), didn't like that the Dwemer wanted to contruct a "God" which would be under their control, so they went to war, and as it became apparent to the Dwemer that the Dunmer would win, their master crafter decided to fiddle with the heart of Lorkhan (which were to be the heart of their new god), and course the great rapture of the Dwemer.

As you can see, your suggest doesn't really make sense in contrast to what actually happend. That said, I know where you wanted to go with this suggest, and I agree it would be nice to explore that time.
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Amber Hubbard
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:07 am

What i would like from DLC/Expansion - more content than you can shake a stick at.
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Connor Wing
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:58 am

I want them to open up cyrodiil so I can go harvest some flax seeds and make some feather potions and buy a feather spell book. I want to find the boots of springheel jack so I don't die from a 15' jump. I want to buy a black horse from cheydinhal. While I'm there, lets kick the thalmer out of cyrodiil. I'd like to see some trainers in athletics and get my speed upgraded considerably. I could go on... lol. Seriously I love Skyrim but some things in Oblivion were meant to live on into skyrim.

Seriously I want to explore somewhere beyond skyrims borders. Perhaps morrowind or cyrodiil. No new world spaces like shivering isles, just open the existing borders and make it HUGE.. that would be epic.
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Julia Schwalbe
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:49 pm

perks for fully automatic, burst fire mode, and single shot fire for my boom stick,( i kid, i kid...... ?).... infact, i want to find schematics to craft my boom stick into a "gun like" weapon with a Daedric armor look to it,
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:59 am

Aldmeri didn't exterminate the Dwemer (Dwarves were elves called Dwemer, and you already seem confused ;) ), the Dwemer exterminated themselfs. Its a very central storyline that is well explored in Morrowind. We know what happend. Basically the Dunmer (well before they were Dunmer, don't remember what they called themselfs before they were turned black and red eyed), didn't like that the Dwemer wanted to contruct a "God" which would be under their control, so they went to war, and as it became apparent to the Dwemer that the Dunmer would win, their master crafter decided to fiddle with the heart of Lorkhan (which were to be the heart of their new god), and course the great rapture of the Dwemer.

As you can see, your suggest doesn't really make sense in contrast to what actually happend. That said, I know where you wanted to go with this suggest, and I agree it would be nice to explore that time.

Yeah I didn't know the full story haha. But I just think the whole time period would be cool, but I wasn't talking about the Aldmeri Dominion I was talking about the Falmer, the snow elves because in an in-game book it tells of the Falmer taking reefuge with the Dwemer underground but they were betrayed and there was this war thing.
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vicki kitterman
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:29 am

Well lets see... we got the Beta build.

For the DLC I'll take the final release.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:22 am

Mounting dragons !!!

Kids play this game sicko...
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Lil Miss
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:36 am

I would love to have my characters legend to have spread all over the lands, and as such the thalmor kidnap me and bring me back to their homeland to make an example of him. They force him to fight in the arena, he escapes and helps start a local rebellion before returning home to his wife and friends and good nord mead...
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