1. Rain that doesn't show through collision objects like bridges and roofs.
2. See your character's body in 1st person
3. Seamless interior/exterior transitions
4. (For modding) being able to call functions on objects inside containers
1.Consequences of actions that have an effect on the world around you. If I save a burning village I want to come back in a couple of weeks and see it rebuilt with acknowledgement of my actions.
2. Less doors in main city areas. (Which with increased RAM, CPU and GFX power I assume this will happen).
3. Factions like in New Vegas but with more consequence.
4. Most decisions to be morally grey, not plainly black and White.
5. Greater Variety of weaponry and mods.
6. More home bases/player housing.
7. Greatly improved animations
8. Better companions like in New Vegas.
Better FPS and stealth gameplay, and an overhauled (or completely replaced) VATS system.
I would be happy if companions and enemies actually had intelligent AI.
-Keep the level cap low or reduce the amount of skill points you receive per level. Players should have to specialize in things, not spend points on everything and become invincible.
-I might crush the game disk if there aren't true iron sights.
-Bring in some sort of semblance of a hardcoe mode..
-A more meaningful, choice-driven story than the crap we were spoon-fed in FO3.
-Re-using classic perks is fine, but they really shouldn't rehash the ones we had in Fallout 3 and New Vegas otherwise.
-We see what could be the closest thing to a confirmation of weapon/armor customization in the trailer, but I still believe that it is important that this is addressed.
64 bit game
improved graphics
companions again
seamless outdoor/indoor transition
less bugs
voice for main character
choices with real consequences
have a good number of factions that u can choose to join
variety of quests some of which will have real life reactions from npcs and factions.
This! I don't mind the graphics so much but the animation if the NPCs in previous Fallout game made some scenes less impactful than they could be.
I want everything to be improved compared to the past games. People who don't are... weird.
More specifically, I'm most interested in (in no particular order):
Better AI
More varied environments, increased ambience
More varied peaceful wildlife in greater numbers
Better animation
More variety of voice actors
Better writing
Unique quest lines for every companion (not just one or two)
Better crafting, weapon, and armor modding
More traits and perks
The ability to bank perks/skill points
Remove charisma based perks and change Charisma to be more like it was in Shadowrun Returns where you could get "Etiquettes".
Basically, each point in charisma would unlock an etiquette that gives you unique dialogue choices.
Child At Heart, Empathy, Cherchez Le Femme/Confirmed Bachelor, Lady Killer/Black Widow.
Stuff like that.
Least then Charisma has something worth a damn.
But it is probably to late for this to be implemented and I very much doubt they went this path.
So whatever. I'm hoping, against my better judgement, that critical failures will be back and that they can affect pretty much anything.
Much more gameplay-defining SPECIAL and skills
Less FPSy combat
Less focus on random pointless exploration
More world interactivity and reactivity
More choice and consequence
The game is all but finished by now but .......
1- It's been said, but I want to see results of my actions. In NV when you clear Quarry Junction, they never go back to work. WTF?
2- Fix the save file issue and the crashing.
3- Fix the crashing.
4- Don't let the game crash.
5- More weapon mods.
6- No invisible fences.
7- No game crashes.
8- I liked how NV had enemies that were tied to an area, you knew you were in DC or Cazador country. I WOULD like random encounters however. This goes for NPC's and wild life.
9- DC was all but abandoned in F3, lets get more people in these cities.
10- If we could get a way that would not allow the size of the game file to determine how well the game played and stayed operational, that'd be great. NO CRASHING!
FPS- Hard to say. One one hand, FPS games ARE fun (and a well done fallout FPS would be amazing). On the other hand... the mechanics we've been exposed to are clunky and annoying for a shooter. They need to either do the above ^ or they need to refine the FPSy combat to a level where it is fluid. Also- bullet sponges.
I disagree entirely on the exploration... thats what I like about Bethesda titles, because we all know their writing isn't the best.
This^ anyone that ever tries their hand at modding will love the engine for its versatility, but god can it be annoying sometimes. Completely unrelated things are sometimes linked in the most inexplicable ways.
A game that doesn't crash (Fallout 3 is the anti-christ of crashes) isn't an unreasonable request, bugs on the other hand are to be expected.