What do you want to see? (DLC)

Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 9:44 am

Now I know the game hasn't quite been out for a month but, knowing a game like Fallout 4, many of us have put several dozens of hours into the game already.

Is there anything that you would want to see in future DLC?

First: More interesting settlement building as well as having something that tells you if a worker has been assigned. Very annoying trying to figure out who has been assigned and who hasn't. (I hope this would be a patch though.)

Second: More interesting mods for weapons and armor. Mainly the weapon mods just feel like a "more better version" as you go down. It would be interesting to allow us to add special abilities to weapons. Example being you can actually take legendary weapon effects and use them on another weapon. Just an idea.

For those of us that have finished the Cabot quest line, I would like to see more information on that particular topic. (Don't read past this if you don't want a spoiler on the quest.)

I think it was one of the most interesting quests that I have done so far and it really gives me the impression that they MIGHT go into more detail about aliens in future DLC. I found myself extremely interested in the serum you get, if you free Lorenzo, and all the terminal entries as well as Lorenzo's own paper diary. This just feels like they could really open up the possibilities for new weapons and/or abilities. Not to sound like we are diving into Skyrim, but it would be cool to have similar powers as Lorenzo. Perhaps power-bash without a melee weapon would do some sort of force bash that you can do from a distance? Or each shot from a gun has the chance to use a "telekinetic bullet" that doesn't use a bullet.

Just some ideas. But I hope I'm not the only one that loved that quest-line. We need MORE like those and less radiant quests. They get redundant very quickly :(

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Beulah Bell
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 8:23 am

I want them to take a hint from Obsidians DLC, those were amazing! Lonesome Road was just so epic and Dead Money still gives me chills. Honest Hearts was amazing as hell, beautiful environment and the biggest badass aside from Ulysses is Joshua Graham. The only two npcs at player power lvl. Big Empty was just plain hilarious. Muggy lol If they make dlc i pray its like this.

I want something thats not so damn grim. FO4 took itself too serious I feel.

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Dragonz Dancer
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 7:31 am

Yeah, I'd like to see some badass characters that can either be friendly or adversarial depending on how you deal with the DLCs situation. Someone like Christine that required high PER in order to communicate with properly, or a Father Elijah that gives you options for how to deal with his treachery, or Ulysses who turned out to be something other than just the SOB you were going to kill upon meeting, or yes...Joshua F-in Graham. Memorable characters that were anything but generic.

The great thing about these particular characters was that the vanilla game did a good job of hinting at there future presence, and you were saying things upon meeting them like: "oh, so you're...".

Yeah, good call. I'd like characters like these...and a proper assault rifle!
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Petr Jordy Zugar
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 1:53 am

New York City

Hong Kong

Return to The Capitol Wasteland

Something to do with aliens, but not a Mothership Zeta clone.

That's all I want.
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Rob Davidson
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 10:17 am

I would like to see more settlement options. But i feel that's a given. I've really wanted to see the fallout universe outside of the US. Maybe see how China survived. I'd love to see more exotic enemy types... maybe China was developing its own type of FEV.. maybe they tested it on some normally harmless snakes,kinda like the US did with chameleons...And maybe those snakes turned into horrifying flying serpents... just a thought...
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Far'ed K.G.h.m
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 12:14 am

Minute Men vs Gunners Campaign

Hubris Comics Power Armor Paint Mods

Cape Cod Underwater DLC with super awesome unique submarine Power Armor

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Tamara Dost
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