What do you want to see in LR?

Post » Sun Jul 24, 2011 5:13 pm

Basicly the title says it all, what do you want to see in the last DLC?

Personally, as a goodbye from Bethesda, they should give us a parting gift. It will be hard to guess though because I don't know the theme of the DLC but, some kinda special follower or special place for us to stay that has alot of things to go along. Something to help us have the upper hand back in New Sin City (see what I did there?:celebration:). The biggest thing I want to see is that it's not the end of the story. Fallout 3 brought us back clean water to live, New Vegas gave us power, and what is the next thing we need to re-establish society? A new world order. I don't think they should leave us hanging at an open end in this story. I think Fallout should continue to where we nearly re-establish the old world. The location is beyond me (Russia?:hubbahubba:) but it I think adding more to the story and not ending it here would be a good thing. For the company and us. They make money, we get satisfaction and adventure.

So below, post what you would wanna see and possibly tell me (and Obsidian) what you would like to see with the story line. Take this seriously and make good posts. Vault Boy is watching :disguise:

To clear up confusion, I'm talking about what you want to see in LR and if you want the Fallout story to continue. We need to pay Obsidian's bills!
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louise tagg
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Post » Sun Jul 24, 2011 1:13 pm

I'd personally like it to lead in to hints towards the next location. I think Chicago or New York are the two biggest candidates for Fallout 4, and it would be interesting to see easter eggs leading in to that. I do not, however, wish to see the Courier's story left open. New Vegas just wasn't meant for that, and doing so after Broken Steel was a mistake in my opinion. It was cool for a bit but it left a bittersweet aftertaste in your mouth. It would have made more sense for you to just die from an extremely large dose of radiation poisoning, sacrificing yourself for the betterment of mankind.

Obviously it's going to be a long time before Fallout 4 considering they are planning on using the new engine they've showcased for the new Elder Scrolls game, but a little easter egg to spark some new curiosity would be very cool. after all, E.D.-E. hints towards Chicago a little. I think Bethesda/Obsidian may have been hinting towards a storyline telling of what happens to the Enclave in this location.

Like maybe Ulysses' final words be something about that location. He lives under the old world flag after all, so he could be supportive of the enclave. He may have come from the east as well since there are hints towards him having association with Caesars Legion... You never really know. I'd just like to see something hint towards the next Fallout.
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Post » Sun Jul 24, 2011 6:07 pm

I would want to see a new country. The U.S is becoming the same old same old. Besides with Russia, Bethesda can experiment with new characters, weapons, armor, places, and storyline. Also with their experiments and space programs, and alot of vodka :celebration:
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phil walsh
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Post » Sun Jul 24, 2011 2:19 pm

For me it'd definitely have to be Arizona!
I mean the Mojave is infested with NCR, I'd like to see how Caesar brought civilisation to the Grand Canyon state. It'd be interesting to see. Or I dunno, just aslong as it's a new place with different beings I'd be happy.
Maybe whist in Arizona the PC could have heard about the cannon past exploits of the Courier, how s/he shaped Vegas in Mr Houses' favour.
Then it'd be Caesar's son who takes helm of the Legion, but the Legate dislikes this!
I'm just firing in the dark (I think that's the expression) I'm just saying it'd be nice to see the Legion get the kind of attention the NCR did, even though I'm a House supporter.

I dunno, this has got me all giddy! Despite the fact F4 is a while away.
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Jessica Lloyd
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Post » Sun Jul 24, 2011 11:25 am

new perks but cooler ones, ones that make it possible to do a special move, or a special sneak attack, or something that greatly enhances damage done by truly unarmed. In fallout 3 you could be a real monk-like character, this is less do-able in new vegas.
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le GraiN
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Post » Sun Jul 24, 2011 9:16 am

I would like Ulysses to join us in the Mojave... but it's very unlikely
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Post » Sun Jul 24, 2011 8:24 am

An Epic storyline, with an Epic conclusion to the couriers story.
Also a darker and grittier feel to it, make it seem more personal to the player - as it should be, a few new toys are in order as always...
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James Rhead
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Post » Sun Jul 24, 2011 10:14 am

I would love to be able to continue my New Vegas adventures but I believe they already said that would happen. I would like to see hint to the next game location, maybe China with it being the second largest superpower before the bombs dropped maybe you could be the relative of a agent sent to a city in China from America.

Equipment wise I would love to see another automatic rifle because I can only think of the assault carbine and well the automatic rifle, maybe an AK-47 or SCAR. I would also love to see an AA-12 automatic shotgun with special ammo like explosive rounds from real life, Deathclaws would not be happy. Maybe they can finally add a new power armor which I thinkm would be awesome ( I don't play PC so don't tell me about power armor mods I may play PC at one point and I'll find mods myself.). I hope they add some sort of new energy weapon however that doesn't require constant repair like the LAER.

Finally I think a new companion maybe cool, maybe through special speech options or a quest you could have Ulysses or someone fighting by your side with a patch to let you take your companion from the Divide to the Mojave.
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Stephanie I
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Post » Sun Jul 24, 2011 11:32 am

Are you asking if I want another fo game made? Of coarse I do....
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Lyndsey Bird
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Post » Sun Jul 24, 2011 10:02 am

I want some damn power armor or some type of heavy armor in this DLC.
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Alex Vincent
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Post » Sun Jul 24, 2011 6:51 pm

Obisidian made Fallout: New Vegas, Bethesda just published it.

Anyways, I think it would be interesting if Lonesome Road presented a 5th path of the story where you can choose to end the game with Ulysses and whatever he's cooking up.
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Vincent Joe
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Post » Sun Jul 24, 2011 5:20 pm

Obisidian made Fallout: New Vegas, Bethesda just published it.

Anyways, I think it would be interesting if Lonesome Road presented a 5th path of the story where you can choose to end the game with Ulysses and whatever he's cooking up.

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Sammie LM
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Post » Sun Jul 24, 2011 10:22 am

Chinese assault rifle
Assault Rifle
Combat Shotgun
Lever-action rifle
Railway rifle
Microwave Emitter
Rock-It launcher

Add these and ill be happy :turtle:
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Rob Davidson
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Post » Sun Jul 24, 2011 6:18 pm

I would want to see a new country. The U.S is becoming the same old same old. Besides with Russia, Bethesda can experiment with new characters, weapons, armor, places, and storyline. Also with their experiments and space programs, and alot of vodka :celebration:

The US is not the same old same old, for three games we have been right near the west coast, and in the other two D.C. and Chicago...ish. There is still thousands of miles that we have no idea how they are handeling themselves.

Some contenders

Chicago - wan't really "big" in Tactics, could expand on what is going on there
Philly - historical and large city
New York - large
Seatlle - interesting city
Houston - large and very company based

As for LR I would want it to end there with a possible 5th ending. And I want it to have a lot of hints at Fallout 4. At least to have an idea of what city it will be in, ot region. Also I don't want Ulysses to be a pushover, he better be some amazing character that makes the one I made pathetic.

Lever-action rifle

Already three in New Vegas, don't need a generic one.
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Lory Da Costa
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Post » Sun Jul 24, 2011 9:19 am

A cross bow and I can die happy.

...in the game, that is.
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Post » Sun Jul 24, 2011 4:05 am

A cross bow and I can die happy.

...in the game, that is.

All the enemies will have 800hp and 25DT though :sadvaultboy: A crossbow would be cool, but if they follow the route with the other three, the enemies will be tougher than OWB. Maybe as something in the end and specifically for bringing back to the Mojave, that would be nice.
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