» Tue May 17, 2011 1:01 pm
It's not something I want to see an exact copy of, but I was playing Crysis the other day and thinking it would be nice if some spells worked a little like the suit powers. That is, you can turn it on or off whenever you want, and it drains magicka based on what is going on, which may or may not include some fixed drain over time.
A strength or fire-strike spell would drain magicka when you attack with a weapon; a jump spell would drain magicka for each jump; a slowfall spell would drain magicka while you're falling; some defensive spells would trigger and drain magicka each time you get hit with the appropriate attack. Levitation, if it's in, could drain a magicka relative to the amount of thrust being exerted by the spell at any given time (more to move up than to maintain altitude or drift down, more to accelerate/decelerate forward or to the side)
Would be especially useful for balancing chameleon; it would slowly drain magicka over time while you stand still, but would drain faster when you're walking, faster still when you run, and attacks would drain a great deal.
Needless to say, constant effect enchantments would also have to have charges just like anything else for them work under such a paradigm.