"WHAT IF" you were high king

Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:10 am

This topic is just to see what you would do if you were High King of Skyrim, so by all accounts, this is a "What I believe" matter and i dont wish to see hate. (not that I see a lot on the amasing Bethesda fourms.)
I'll start off and I hope you will post what you would do. It dosent have to be in a certant form, it could be bullets, numbered, or what ever you feel. Have fun.

1. Berid of the Empire from Skyrim
2. Be nutrial towards the Empire and still offer trade
3. Stringhten the warriors
4. Take down the Thalmor
5. Accept all races into Skyrim
6. Only Nords can be Jarls
7. Bring back some old triditions
8. Try to help the poor, sick, and desprate
9. Try and get more mages to join the Skyrim army
10. Explor new land

Thank you for reading this and i hope to have you replay to this.
Thank you again and have a noce morning.
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Logan Greenwood
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 9:42 pm

Do what Ulfric is planning to do.

Achieve independence of Skyrim and fight back the Thalmor.
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Paula Rose
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 9:28 pm

Do what Ulfric is planning to do.

Achieve independence of Skyrim and fight back the Thalmor.

And make all non-nords live as lesser citizens? Especially Dark elves?
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josie treuberg
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 2:50 am

What would I do? First order of business would be having that traitorous lecher Ulfric beheaded. Then I'd probably have his head stuck on a pike just outside my keep (think Game of Thrones style). After that I'd probably mend relations with the Empire and start preparing for that inevitable Second Great War.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 1:27 am

Force a thousand thousand prosttutes to come to my palace in Solitude.
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An Lor
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 10:57 pm

teach my armies how to abuse smithing, alchemy, and enchanting, then march up to alinor and have everyone break out their legendary daedric warhammers, paralysis poisons, and costless destruction spells.
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Emilie M
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:40 am

1. Throw all the Stormcloaks in the Grey Quarter, and give the rest of Windhelm to the other races.
2. Sign peace with the Empire.
3. Use all funds to stockpile weaponry.
4. Train an army in secret.
5. Inform the Empire, and then overthrow the Thalmor from Tamriel with the massive military force I've accumulated over several years. This would bring Talos worship back, and save thousands of lives that would have died if I attacked the moment I gained the throne.
6. Attempt to clear out the Forsworn.
7. Recuperate from the two military efforts mentioned above.
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Erich Lendermon
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 2:28 am

1.Keep the Empire, and provide support to take down the Thalmor
2.Restore damaged towns
3.Actively hunt Thalmor
4.Allow all races with equal living conditions and pay
5.Provide support for Riften to get rid of the thieves guild and help their economy
6.Ban Mammoth poaching for all but Giants
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Amy Cooper
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 12:01 am

On my Nord character, I would kick all other races out of my land.

On my Khajiit, I would use the Nord Warriors to take Elsweyr and then unite the Khajiit under my banner, while eating the nords for dinner.

On both characters, I would wage war against the dirty elfs. On my Khajiit I would leave the ruling to someone more.. suited for it and 'hunt' the elves like the animals they are.
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Cheryl Rice
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 1:16 am

I'd gather the 7 free nations' army and [censored] PWN :flamethrower: the Thalmore, Khajiits and Woodelves, then recreate a true Nordic (maybe dragonblood) Empire!
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 6:04 am

I'd gather the 7 free nations' army and [censored] PWN :flamethrower: the Thalmore, Khajiits and Woodelves, then recreate a true Nordic (maybe dragonblood) Empire!

8. I'd kill this guy, right here.
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 9:44 pm

Invade Poland.
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Lauren Denman
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:48 am

the females/. I wouldn't discriminate by shoulderwidth either.
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Angelina Mayo
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 11:09 pm

Go to war against the Thalmor
Allow all races to enter Skyrim
Ensure that Skyrim was independent from the Empire, but also open to trade.
Tell the guards that Sweetroll theft is to be taken seriously! :swear:
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Connie Thomas
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:32 am

8. I'd kill this guy, right here.

Ooh c'mon khajiits are so deeply tarded they joined the Thalmore just because they believed the Moons would not return! XDD
And the woodelves.. a bunch of cannibals who joined their tyrannic cousins for more power, but they just got enslaved.
They surely wouldn't fight against the Thalmore.. :toughninja:
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Amy Melissa
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 11:54 pm

Ooh c'mon khajiits are so deeply [censored] they joined the Thalmore just because they believed the Moons would not return! XDD
And the woodelves.. a bunch of cannibals who joined their tyrannic cousins for more power, but they just got enslaved.
They surely would fight against the Thalmore.. :toughninja:

Bosmer are Bossmer.

That's right, I used a play on words to do that. You all saw it.

Personally, I'd just go to the orc strongholds and tell them the Thalmor killed Malacath (clarification: "Dere pa!"). Problem solved.
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 10:12 pm

Go to war against the Thalmor
Allow all races to enter Skyrim
Ensure that Skyrim was independent from the Empire, but also open to trade.
Tell the guards that Sweetroll theft is to be taken seriously! :swear:

I like your plan. It is like mine. simple and free.
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alyssa ALYSSA
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 6:08 am

I'd gather the 7 free nations' army and [censored] PWN :flamethrower: the Thalmore, Khajiits and Woodelves, then recreate a true Nordic (maybe dragonblood) Empire!

You will try....
But you will faill...

All power to you for getting rid of Thalmor.. but sorry. No one is a match for the Khajiits ^^
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:35 am

If I was high king i would

banish the legion from skyrim

Succeed from the empire

Declare war on the Thalmor and the Aldmeri Dominion

unbanish Talo's worship and make it mandatory for all Nords to worship Talos

Open our land to the Orcs. IMO they are true warriors just like the Nords
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:55 am

If I were High King I would:
Make a military alliane with the Empire against the right of selfgoverning.
Make a military alliance with the Ra'Gada of Gammerfell against the Thalmor.
Allow Talos worship.
Secretly prepare an attack on the Thalmor with mentioned allies.
Work too intergrate the Dunmer into the Nordic society and enlist their aid against the Thalmor.
Try too intergrate the Orcs, but respect their right for tribal selfgoverning if they were willing too join the Skyrim army against the Thalmor.
Try too keep Skyrim stable and safe.
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oliver klosoff
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 12:23 am

1- Kill Ulfric.
2- Unite the people of Skyrim.
3- Make Amends with rest of Empire.
4- Increase trade with other nations.
5- Give Falmer and Forsworn an Ultimatum. Join or Die. Hunt any who don't join up with full military might.
6- Kill Alduin and befriend all possible Dragons.
7- Invest heavily in Dwemer Tech. I need those weapons!
8- Establish trade with other continents.
9- Become new Emperor.
10- Unite all of Tamriel!
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Marie Maillos
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 12:47 am

Bosmer are Bossmer.

That's right, I used a play on words to do that. You all saw it.

Personally, I'd just go to the orc strongholds and tell them the Thalmor killed Malacath (clarification: "Dere pa!"). Problem solved.

Dude, wouldent have to even do that. Just tell them that the Thalmor thinks there ugly and war is on. Orcinium will join the fight then.
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Cesar Gomez
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:27 am

- Forge an alliance with the Dragons(under Paarthurnax leadership).
- Hunt down and imprison all Thalmor operatives, and have them deported back to the dominion.
- Restore Talos as a proper deity.
- Banish Ulfric Stormcloak from Skyrim for good, or have him executed if he refuses to go peacefully.
- Propose that General Tullius, if he so wishes, will assume the position as my General. If he declines, he is free to leave Skyrim with his men.
- Appoint Arngeir of the Greybeards as my Royal Advisor.
- Outlaw discrimination against foreigners.
- Begin preparations for the inevitable war with the Aldmeri Dominion.
- Repair relations with the Empire, while ensuring that Skyrim remains a sovereign nation.
- No diplomatic relations with the Dominion.
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Nikki Morse
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 9:42 pm

Dude, wouldent have to even do that. Just tell them that the Thalmor thinks there ugly and war is on. Orcinium will join the fight then.

Better yet.

"Dem damn dirty elves stole your sweetroll!"

Get EVERYBODY on your side. Including the Thalmor.
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 10:49 pm

Better yet.

"Dem damn dirty elves stole your sweetroll!"

Get EVERYBODY on your side. Including the Thalmor.
Makes sense to me.
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Heather Kush
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