I made a character whose class I labeled as just Dragonborn, because I was trying to make him fit the archetype. He's a nord that focuses on melee combat, using an axe and shield, but also backing it up with a two-handed sword. He doesn't use magic, preferring instead to use his shouts, which he aids by wearing an Amulet of Talos, rather than relying on a more powerful, less symbolic necklace. He favors heavy armor, slowly climbing up the ranks of usefulness as he raises his smithing skill in time with his others, eventually settling upon Nordic Carved as he comes to Solstheim after besting Alduin. Unrelenting Force is his favored shout, due to its versatility and the imagery its gained as his first shout.
In matters relating to the Civil War, he remained neutral, preferring instead to focus on the threats that Alduin and Miraak posed. He joined no guilds, not even the Companions, because his loyalties remained with the people of Skyrim, as a whole. He spared Paarthurnax, seeing that, despite the ill deeds of his race, and his own, the dragon had potential to better the world.
Throughout all the trials and difficulties, he remained clearly benevolent and honorable. Only fitting for the great hero of Skyrim, no?