I simply want to see how everyone else does their attributes. Also, it would help to also tell your level and what kind of character you're playing (Warrior, Battlemage, Rogue, etc). If you want you can also mention your race. Overall, I mainly want to hear about the attributes and your plans for your current characters attributes (or past ones if you like).
My current attributes:
Magic: 400
Health: 260
Stamina: 280
Level: 65
Class: Nightblade/Battlemage hybrid (Sort of a Jack of All Trades)
Race: Imperial
I know mine are a bit weird at the moment, but I plan on getting my Stamina to 300 and stop there with that attribute. The rest of it will be going to Health as that definitely needs an increase. If it seems that I am in need of more Stamina however, I may increase that a bit more. My magic being at 400 I believe is a good limit, as it regeneration rate is very good and some enchanted jewelry are very helpful when casting high leveled Destruction and Conjuration spells.