I'm usually pretty vigilant about protecting my belongings, and guarding my steading. But, on one fell Loredas during the Last Seed of 4E 201........
I'm usually pretty vigilant about protecting my belongings, and guarding my steading. But, on one fell Loredas during the Last Seed of 4E 201........
I don't really do anything in my game that I'm "ashamed" of doing, but I suppose something that might horrify a lot of people on this forum is that I have no qualms about turning down the difficulty to the easiest level whenever I feel like it. When it comes to Briarhearts, I always feel like it.
OH and I've spent a good amount of time decorating too, but only on PC with Jaxonz and the console window. Took 30 minutes trying to place a statue of Dibella in my 360 game and just gave up decorating there entirely.
Nothing wrong with that! I only ever play between Novice and Adept, because I like to gimp myself just for aesthetics.
I prefer clothes or fur armor the most. Iron is ok, too.
There, there...*pats shoulder* I know it may come as a shock to you.....
My current character still switches over to basic forsworn armor from time to time even though he has "better" options. There's just something about going around with antlers on your head....
I am a chronic sufferer of ragequititis and restartitis. I think it started with trying to play Dead is Dead characters and just not getting too far before they died (and then getting frustrated). Then EVERY character had to be dead and gone if they died. Of course it didn't help that I kept trying to play mages while putting most points in Magicka (and not Health).
My current character is an Alchemist first, Enchanter second, so she's buffed with good items. She's died a few times, but I haven't rage quit, and now she's at L28 or so. I recently made her some mage items, so she's a mage now. I've been using the Restoration loop to make her good gear to make up for putting most of her perks in Alchemy and Enchanting. She's buffed, but not one-shotting enemies. When I get bored with that, I'll switch to another 'class'.
I have never ever played a mage. And i don't have any plans for it anytime soon.
I don't like to hit a wolf 10 times just because it is suposedly more difficult(it isn't) and die faster while everyone can take far more hits.It's just not immersive for me.So I always play on Adept without tempering and some other house rules.
I tend to hoard potions that I think sound useful for my build and then never use them.
I've never done the Dark Brotherhood questline and probably never will. Even in roleplaying a character, I just can't enjoy being that evil.
Have never completed and have no interest in ever completing the following questlines:
Civil War
Main Quest for Skyim
Main Quest for Dragonborn
Dark Brotherhood
Thieves Guild
I have a bad tendency to hoard alchemy ingredients, books, keys, random crafting materials, gemstones, unique armor and weapons, and broken items. I also tend to never discover that I am Dragonborn.
I most definitely hoard potions and then forget to use them - either I forget to use them, or the merchants run out of money and I can't sell them, so I end up storing them. And I have enough food stored for the apocalypse.
I do that with potions. I always take them no matter how weak they are .. then never use 99% of them. I've had barrels full of potions, well if barrels could fill up. I also take every scroll with the intention of using them and then completely forget I have them on me. They take a long time to sell when you suddenly realize you have 50+ scrolls on you.
Every one of my characters hoards books as well ... even if they don't read. I usually read several of them on those days when I'm eating lunch or dinner in front of my computer.
I'm also lazy when it comes to decorating. I have several chest full of "neat" stuff to put around the house but never get to it even though I have the mods that make decorating easier.
99% of my characters are Breton, I think I've made one Imperial and one Bosmer.
Me too, on both counts. I once tried to start the DB questline, but it disgusted me very quickly. I reloaded an earlier save and wiped them out, once again.
Hehe tgm?
I guess it can be theraqeutic sometimes ;D
OK... I confess. I have several characters with adopted children and I haven't seen them in ages! (I rather hang out with Danse and Preston in Boston right now LOL - Fallout 4 rocks!)
But yea, I also horde jewels and salt... I must loot salt when I see it, well and pretty much every alchemy ingredient really... and ore. I always lug a pick axe around!
I always carry around way too many potions, too! I hardly ever use them, BUT just in case! *rolls eyes*
Yeah, a pickaxe and wood chopping axe here too. I always thought it would be nice if someone made a bound version of the two, so I wouldn't have to carry them around! LOL Because, well...I must! (for every character!)
For those of you who haven't ever seen it, here's an appropriate Penny Arcade Comic
I love having a Hunterborn/Campfire based character, she can make a mortar and pestle, as well as enchanting equipment, anywhere. Then she can make potions pretty much anywhere, or enchant. She doesn't carry them though. If needed, she makes them in the wild and then gets rid of them in town. Usually doesn't need to make potions out in the wild, but if she does, she can. She doesn't enchant. She can make arrows anywhere she can harvest wood and bones.
I hoard salt. It doesn't matter if the character cooks or not, they'll have a salt barrel somewhere for my benefit.