Original Thread started by SkyEmerald
Just keeping this going for SkyEmerald, it's fun!
Original Thread started by SkyEmerald
Just keeping this going for SkyEmerald, it's fun!
I'm a Skyrim addict....love the fan films, fan fiction, music....all of it, over and over again...I browse for hours on the Nexus, I show people pics of my game and characters instead of family.... Duh, and the game, of course! LOL
umm, never thought of that! Good idea, hehe.
Uh oh, reddit has a section???? I'm in trouble....
When playing any other TES games I have no issues trying out all the races but when I play Skyrim I have trouble being anything but a Nord. My current character looks like a Redguard, plays like a Mer, but she's a Nord. It's the oddest thing.
Ooooppppsssss. Um. Her birthday's coming? Shell not Adella.... get her something she's really been lusting after?
... I see a day of pampering for Shell coming..... Day spa... nail's and hair... That's the one sure cure for Foot-in-mouth-disease.
*giggle* The women herein are 100% saying - wow, man you blew it BIG time. You should seriously figure out MEGA-groveling.
And this man is sitting here shaking his head, mighty grateful that it wasn't him who did that.
Oh my, Rick. Not the best move to make, friend.
Summons. That their are affected by spell absorbtion. And that there are so few of them. I mean, would be an excellent way to showcase som extra creatures even without portals to Oblivion or Daedric ruins everywhere.
Never finished the main quest or civil war and haven't even started the Dragonborn quest (I'll get around to finishing these someday, really). Never joined the Dark Brotherhood. I've tried to join the Thieves Guild but give up soon every time.
I don't loot much, just coins and gems mostly. And I don't steal from tombs or the dead (not counting bandits who just tried to kill me). I'll even leave some chests unopened. Any hardcoe looter or hoarder watching me play would probably have a fit.
I play in third person, only occasionally switching to first for a tricky bow shot.
I've made close to a hundred characters, none of them have gotten above level 45, most don't make it to 25.
But I've never played as an Altmer or Dunmer. I don't like the way they look and I've never played a pure mage.
Hah, I guess my confession is that I deliberately ignore half the game's content and still play it more than any other game.
I've taken to using the console to gear up new characters with low-level stuff I know I'll have in a few levels anyway. I just save myself the time and repetition of doing the same thing at the start.
Never played Skyrim without mods, and I wouldn't play it without mods. I learned from Morrowind and Oblivion that there are just too many little annoyances in TES games that keep me from really enjoying them in vanilla, as great as they are.
HOLY ****! I haven't had nails that long since I was in my twenties (eh, yeah - if you can subtract that's almost 40 years ago), and I never had them filed that sharp - because I couldn't type with them sharp....
Oh, I can give you a metaphor for how painful "snapping" one off is.... Just think about the family jewels in a choke hold.... I gave the nails up when I moved up here and had to get up at dawn in the middle of November, layer up to keep from freezing to death, and go down in the meadow to pick monster snowballs out of horse hooves, then grab the pickaxe to make chunks out of what should be water..... so I could pitch those chunks out into the lot and actually get water for the horses.
Nails? Get real.
That sound's about right. Why mind are short, barely above finger-tip length.