» Thu May 03, 2012 3:01 am
Since I had never capped any of my characters before, I thought I would give it a try. Back on 9Nov2008 I coldheartedly abandoned my first Oblivion character, Tara, when I realized she was very poorly built. She is a Nord at level 21 that I left sitting at the dining room table at her Skingrad house. So I dug up her save file to see what I could find out.
Well, the first thing I had to do was run the Animation Fixer Mod to get things back to normal. Then, Wow!, was I surprised. After I got her a decent bow and enchanted it with fire at the Arcane U, she was master of the place (playing on PC on normal). With elf arrows, she was dropping most everything with one shot, even the Ogres went down with just two. Didn’t seem fair compared to my regular character, Baa at level 51.
The only problem with Tara that I couldn’t handle, other than her selection of skills, was that her Magicka was 120. I don’t normally mess with too much magic stuff, and most of my characters have been Bretons with some built-in magic that helps them out, but Tara couldn’t even heal herself without a prolonged ordeal.
Poor Tara didn’t even have a good Detect Life item, just a 20’ spell, so we looked for an Oblivion gate to enter to go get a Sigil Stone for Detect Life 180’. That was another shock. When she entered the gate there were some of those land mine things between her and where she wanted to go, so she shot one with an arrow to remove it. A bunch of ‘something’ came out of it and took her health down 50% in a flash. I’ve never seen that before. Then after about 5 minutes of recharging her health, she shot another one. Same thing all over again.
Enough of this, I say to myself, this could take all day. I loaded my 8 Heal Potions onto a Hot Key, put on her water walking boots, and went across the lava to the main tower. That worked ok, and after taking out a couple of things that objected to her being there, Tara stood in front of the Tower Portal pumping her Heal spell for another 5 minutes.
Then, up the tower she went, mowing down everything that confronted her with ease. She didn’t find the normal big guys that level 51 Baa finds, instead, there were lower level characters with not so much loot. Really easy to kill. She had no more problems with her lack of Magicka, except taking some extra time to heal when necessary. At the top, Tara got her Detect Life 180’ Sigil Stone and went back home.
Despite having a poor selection of skills, from my prospective, Tara later managed to advance by doing a little power training and dungeon diving to advance her skills and acquire enough gold to buy Grand Soul Gems to enhance stuff, buy some more houses and have a little fun. She has gone up to level 26 and now has a Magicka of 170 and she operates, more or less, normally for me, except she is over powered compared to the more advanced characters I’ve played since her.
It took very careful management to advance her shills. Almost all advances were 3x5. Tara could go up another couple of levels, but it would be tedious and time consuming. Therefore, as of now, she is going back into stasis.
Learned a lot from this experiment, particularly how much I’ve learned since starting the game.