How long have you had her? When I think of your characters I mostly think of Etta.
She's about a week old.

I'm taking a vacation from Etta; she's an intense sword-and-board character, and I need to play a mage for a while. Etta is currently mounted on Shadowmere, halfway between Vanua and the Priory of the Nine, with the Crusader's Helm in her possession. She has finally found a certain peace of mind, having purged much of her evil past with a pilgrimage of prayer and meditation. We'll get back to her adventure at some point.

Edit: Kara Whey is now about level 4 now, I think (I use a mod that handles leveling automatically, so I'd have to go look at her stats to be sure.) She is being hailed as the "Hero of Kvatch," and has escorted the Heir to a fortress north of Bruma. She has recommendations from four mages guild halls.