The current bunch...
Etta is around Level 8, Linaea is 7, I think, and WabbaJill (the newest) is probably still at Level 1. I use a leveling mod, and I level my characters very slowly. Since leveling is automatically done, I don't pay much attention to it. I was surprised when Linaea started running into Trolls the other day.
Most of my characters top out by about level 12-15 or thereabouts. I'm not interested in boss monsters or top loot. I bring them into the world, they play out their stories, and then they retire.
I have a feeling Etta may go a bit higher than most. Her story is very complex, and it will run for quite a while. She's presently early in the SI quest line, having finished the DB.
My last character to do the Main Quest (Heddvild) reached level 19, for what that's worth.