once you've offloaded all your junk and sold all legendary stuff, that you wanted to sell
the weight when you move out for the next adventure?
I'm at 180, because I carry way too many weapons with me
once you've offloaded all your junk and sold all legendary stuff, that you wanted to sell
the weight when you move out for the next adventure?
I'm at 180, because I carry way too many weapons with me
When I start the game, typically around 40-60lbs for about 10 levels. Then my guns get heavier as I find shotguns and start modding them, same with armor (depsite trying to keep it light) and I start to creep towards 80lbs. Currently running with 103 due to food stuffs/grenades, sniper rifle, 10mm silenced pistol, combat shotgun, alien blaster.
I like to try and stay as light as possible due to wanting to loot and carry as much as possible (I don't fast travel, so being over loaded can be a pain ... and dangerous).
I bottom out at about 105-110 lbs. right now because I found a kickass unique Laser Rifle that I modded into a Laser Sniper Rifle. It is somehow really light compared to my old .50 Sniper. I used to bottom out at about 125 lbs. but got REALLY strict about bringing only 20 of each Radex and Radaway and no Purified Water. I now have so many Stimpacks that I can just use them as my only source of healing.
Mine is currently 150-159, but that's how it's always been and it's not likely to change. I usually carry around 8-10 weapons. I have well over 300 pounds of capacity, so the 150 area leaves me with plenty to scavenge.
Around 110-120, but it doesn't stay there for very long
My total cary is 250, 275 with food, 310 with chems.
I average 130-150, depends on the armor. Metal and Raider (who wears the latter... ever, even if it has the coolest looking upgrade progression?) are heavier than leather and combat armor. I always carry a 10mm pistol, pipe rifle, combat rifle, assault rifle, and laser rifle because I run automatic only (semi autos have a painfully slow refire rate and handguns are very limiting in variety) and even with level 3 scavenger, I still need to frequently switch weapons due to ammo problems. If I want to go on a "loot everything that isn't nailed down" run I use power armor with calibrated shocks. In tandem with the Lone Wanderer perk, that's 522lbs I can carry.
Lately I've been cheating myself and fast traveling to quickly unload, despite swearing not to at the start. I'm frankly tired of racing back and forth across empty wasteland with a seemingly 7-30 in-game day respawn period for anything except "hot zones" like the 1981 crash site or that square in Boston with the large diner just west of the monument. I've read somewhere that passing through areas resets the respawn timer (God I hope not,) but that person admitted they weren't 100% sure on that info. Basically, it's only worth it to hoof it back and forth long distance if there's something new to shoot along the way. Seeing as how it feels like I'm at risk of entirely clearing the Commonwealth of all hostiles except for a few trouble spots, I no longer hesitate to use the fast travel feature - I know it's unlikely anything interesting will happen along the way anyway, but I still hoof it on occasion just in case.
I must be doing it wrong!
I am constantly at 194-204. I carry 6-8 weapons all the time. just rations of food and medium armor.
use pocketed armor it increases your carry weight, my carry weight is about 110, but i always carry about 7 semi light weapons from shock baton to 2 silenced sniper rifles and 20 or so bottles of purified water
2 guns and power armour, plus lots of molotovs and grenades 100 to 125
abt 185 or so. I carry 8 weapons, and lots of Steaks and Chops.
Between 53 and 62 depending on which weapon I take (and I only carry two normally - my shotgun and my sniper rifle, although I will sometimes take my pistol, but it doesn't matter as you can't see it holstered anymore)
Stimpacks, Radaway and RadX don't weigh anything and I always carry 20 purified water for healing and wear leather armor.
My empty weight is around 65.
I wear light combat armor and sunglasses (+1 charisma), I carry around a militia hat and summer short to wear while trading because of their charisma bonus. I also wear my wedding band can carry the other wedding band from my deceased spouse.
As far as weapons, I carry the following:
- 10mm auto pistol (39 damage)
- .38 auto pipe rifle (28 damage)
- .45 night scoped pipe sniper rifle (30 damage)
- .308 Recon sniper rifle (88 damage)
I also carry:
- 10 RadX
- 10 RadAway
- Over 1000 stimpaks
damn, I must be doing it wrong. Im only carrying about 8 weapons (no junk, no mods) and Im still 275/370
any tips from you pros?
as I am still exploring and doing quests, maybe I just feel the need to be prepared! LOL
But honestly, I rarely use all my guns and food. Stims and Rad Away for the win!
What are you wearing? (I understand that PA is very heavy)
Are you carrying a lot of Aid items?
Are they all heavy weapons? (that's one of the reasons I don't use them 45.5 lbs for a missile launcher!)
BTW: That's an amazing weight ratio. 370? Wow!
Bunch of light-weights! ~270 of 390 without PA. My girl has buns of steel and tree trunk legs. I'm even thinking about putting some levels into strong back but I only have 3 stars into strength.
I would eyeball your "aid" list. If you hoard in that list, it adds up. Surprisingly, sometimes.
270/390 without strong back, PA or strength?? what perk does that?