My experience was both tragic and wonderful so far. Wonderful in that the anticipation of the game was Great, the long-wait and GECKulation gave us months of entertainment, the midnight release was fun and the packaging in the CE was well done. Even the Steam process went very smoothly for me. It would have been a dreamy experience, the very best of the best, it was on track to meet All of my expectations...
... then the save game bug hit, quick-saves were a bust, the Continue button didn't take you to the latest save and I lost all 4 hours of my initial gaming. :banghead:
After ranting and raving about it in my patio for awhile, I came to the realization that this kind of bug should Never be missed by a QA department. I really do hope that they spend the time and energy necessary to Investigate how that bug got through, so that they don't make this kind of mistake again.
My faith remains unshaken and my Love for Bethesda is strong, but a smack-down to a near-perfect gaming launch left me bitter and angry when my head hit the pillow finally on Saturday morning. Now that I'm over that and have had time to get into the GECK, do some reporting and then get into the game again (using Manual saves only now), I'm really starting to have a good time. No crashes, no major glitches in the game itself - I can Tell that the game content was QAed all over the place and I've only had 1 crash so far.
Thus for me both Before and After release day were fantastic - and it was Almost out of the park, but the pitcher forgot where the batter is saved each time and ended-up throwing the ball into the stands.

I fully expect that the rest of my experience will be (my new word) "Fantabulous!"