What is your experience like? (buggy, bug-free, minor issues

Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 6:15 am

True, yes, but I suppose in a 24-hour period, or more, the result should be more balanced.

Actually, no. As a possible summary of this specific community and those members who frequent this sub-forum, results might correlate to that specific subset. But keep in mind that most of the people playing this game will never come to this forum, one way or another. Polls here are a bit of fun, but it's just too small a data set to extrapolate into real-world figures.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 5:31 am

All I've encountered thus far is 2 mobs getting stuck on terrain (different locations), nothing major.
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sara OMAR
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 5:18 am

1) The sound when you shoot in vats sounds like very bad music that you stole from the internet, the guns sound like crap.

2) VATS overall is just boring now.

3) True iron sights.... stupid because its only on certain weapons.

4) It glitches a lot in many ways.

5) That stupid noise when you gain XP omg I have subs on my tv and it shakes my house every time I kill something.

6) The AI are as smart as bricks, in combat sometimes they just stop shooting and then just stand there like, oh hi how are you today.

7) The map is as big as my backyard.
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 8:48 pm

For those that have it on the pc are they expericing the "first time setup" pop up every time they go to start the game?

not sure if thats some error making it run every time or if its just something on my end.
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Emilie M
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 5:39 am

Not having any serious issues so far. The worst bugs so far are enemy and companion pathfinding. ED-E always attacks whole hordes of enemies and charges into packs of radscorpions, explores whole enemy buildings on his own or gets stuck (yes on passive, only solution is letting him "wait"). That droid is bugged for sure.
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Allison Sizemore
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 12:45 am

Been playing for about 5 hours now

I've experienced a few minor bugs so far. A few bloat flies and a radscorpion (or something) :P. Terrible jokes aside I really haven't experienced many gameplay bugs and when I did it was rather minor. For example I had a VATS bug where the camera didn't center on an enemy and instead focused way off to the side and.....well that's all I can actually think of for now other than some fps drops. The VATS problem only happened on one particular incident and after that I've had no problem.

I do have the game installed on my Xbox and I cleared the cache prior to playing, something I do before I play all of Bethesda's (though I guess now it's Obsidian technically) games.

(Obviously the Xbox 360 version)
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Nathan Maughan
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 3:35 am

should have seperated the platform and problems, would have made it slightly longer but more accurate, right now it looks like alot of folks (for being a forum) are just fine, and they are not.
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Jon O
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 3:12 am

I think the crashes on XBOX360 are related to the DLC!

(on xbox360) i had the tribal preorder dlc and since i sold almost all of it (i kept the broad machete) no freezes anymore (strange huh?)

i played for 3 hours straight yesterday and no freezes

the day before i had a freeze after 20-30 mins of playtime.

Or i could be lucky?
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Kelly Upshall
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 5:13 pm

Well since getting the game I've completed the main quest as well as maybe 5 side quests, restarted to play hardcoe mode this time, and done a little bit more exploring this time and have gotten to Novac.

I did notice that after I played for I think 8 hours straight that the load screens got noticeably longer. On one instance the game just froze up completely on a load screen, forcing me to shut down the console. A few times I've tryied climbing over tall hills or such to get to a location quicker of avoid enemies and have been blocked from doing so because the top of the hills seem to have an invisible wall around them, though those may have been put there intentionally to make the player have to deal with whatever dangers are on the ground below them. When slowly climbing down the canyon wall to the colorado river I fell through the ground once into an endless sea of blue (I think, it was very early in the morning when this happened and it could have been a different color) and had to reload a save to fix the issue.

The loading issues could maybe be explained on my xbox, seeing as that the day New Vegas was released I came home and sat down and played for 8-9 hours non stop. Since then where the most I've played consecutively was 2 or 3 I haven't had those issues. The other glitches were very rare and not a bid deal at all, seeing as I've put in just over 20 hours in New Vegas already and spent maybe 5 minutes of that time having to deal with bugs or crashes.

EDIT: Just remembered that I've seen several enemies fall in/get stuck inside of the ground. Funny thing is is that this happened so often in Fallout 3 that I have completely forgotten that it was a gltich until I saw another post on these forums about it.
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Joe Alvarado
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 4:24 pm

I haven't had a single problem!
The only thing is I can't Alt+Tab the game and my ~ doesn't work(I know how to fix that)

Toshiba A660-07t
Intel I-5 2.4ghz
Nvidia 330m 1 gb dedicated
4 gb ddr3 ram
Windows 7 home premium 64 bit
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 8:03 pm

i love this game it great, but i will list the problems i have had

1. the has crashed about 7 to 10 times in a 9 hour playthrough

2. only some computer terminals work, others make the sound that its working but nothing happens on screen

3. sometimes when aiming my arm will go crazy sort of like screen tearing

4. and other small stuff that was expected, stuff that is still in fallout 3
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Yvonne Gruening
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 9:46 pm

The only bug I have experienced is that sometimes animals, mostly scorpions, are getting half stuck in the ground. They usually work themselves out. Other than that it's been a bug-free experience.
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Pete Schmitzer
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 4:47 am

The game performs well for me. I've only encountered one bug, and it only happened once. Cheyenne's eyes were floating next to the right side of his head, one above the other. The next time I saw him moments later, he was fine again.
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 9:08 pm

Ok I have now ran into a few more bugs, It froze up on my twice once when I was walking up to the big gun at hoover dam. And I have had one crash, it went back to the ps3 menu.
And of course it is when I was busy and forgot to save for probably 45minutes!!! Grrrrrrr!!!!!
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 11:18 pm

small issues but nothing I did not expect from a game this size.
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Claudia Cook
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 5:59 pm

I am on the xbox version.

I've played about 20 hours now (took a vacation from work to play) and here are the glitches i've ran into in those 20 hours.

1) twice the game started slowing down and stuttering for about 20-30 seconds. nothing major, just stopped moving for a minute and it was fixed.
2) one time the screen turned into verticle white bars on a black background and I had to restart the xbox.

To me these are completely acceptable, after having my xbox on for hours and hours it's bound to error once or twice, this could have just as easily been the xbox getting too hot like they're known to do.

Maybe some people are experiencing major issues but it seems to be a trend of steam versions having the real problems, something I've noticed in the past that games which aren't really buggy have more issues when using the steam DL version. I've read this has something to do with the way steam compresses things. So in my opinion all the anger is overblown.
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Stefanny Cardona
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 4:47 pm

I have only had deputy beagle stuck in the roof of the casino, but i was able to interact with him and then he came down later.

Also had a wierd reloading glitch with my 357 magnum, it just kept reloading and reloading, I thought i couldnt get it to stop. I mashed buttons and i was able to make it stop. It was showing negative rounds on the right hand side.

Love the game so far, maybe have 5-6 hours under my belt and i only just left primm. Xbox player
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Miss Hayley
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 10:06 pm

should have seperated the platform and problems, would have made it slightly longer but more accurate, right now it looks like alot of folks (for being a forum) are just fine, and they are not.

Then why would they say they are.No one is going to post a topic saying "OMG this is bug free help please".
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 8:48 pm

Haven't spent much time in the game, about 10 hours. Encountered four problems thus far:

1 freeze
Hitting "Continue" on the load screen didn't pull up the newest save, but one several back (and the newest save was a "hard save"). I had to go into the Load Game screen to start where I'd left off.
Some visual stuttering.
Shot a Radscorpion indoors and he melted into the floor.

Nothing game breaking, and not enough to cloud over what is an extremely enjoyable experience for me so far. But it will be nice when these things are smoothed out.

Edit: PC version
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 5:30 am

I'm playing on a pc and so far haven't had any bad glitches. Once a power ganger was standing about 3 feet in the air over a bus, and when I killed him his body just floated there. and a few times, 2 or 3, the games lagged abit coming out of a combat death scene. Other then that, the game runs fine. I've noticed people on consoles, xbox and ps3, seem to be having alot more problems with the game.
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Quick Draw III
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 10:55 pm

I can play mostly alright but the major FPS drops were killing me until I used that user-end dll fix. Now it seems to be pretty good for the most part.
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Dewayne Quattlebaum
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 8:11 pm

Unfortunately I am experiencing some horrid FPS drops when there are more than 10 NPC's on screen and sometimes the mechanics are affected as well (vastly slow firing rates and reloading)

This is for the PS3 btw.
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Robert Devlin
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 10:36 pm

My experience was both tragic and wonderful so far. Wonderful in that the anticipation of the game was Great, the long-wait and GECKulation gave us months of entertainment, the midnight release was fun and the packaging in the CE was well done. Even the Steam process went very smoothly for me. It would have been a dreamy experience, the very best of the best, it was on track to meet All of my expectations...

... then the save game bug hit, quick-saves were a bust, the Continue button didn't take you to the latest save and I lost all 4 hours of my initial gaming. :banghead:

After ranting and raving about it in my patio for awhile, I came to the realization that this kind of bug should Never be missed by a QA department. I really do hope that they spend the time and energy necessary to Investigate how that bug got through, so that they don't make this kind of mistake again.

My faith remains unshaken and my Love for Bethesda is strong, but a smack-down to a near-perfect gaming launch left me bitter and angry when my head hit the pillow finally on Saturday morning. Now that I'm over that and have had time to get into the GECK, do some reporting and then get into the game again (using Manual saves only now), I'm really starting to have a good time. No crashes, no major glitches in the game itself - I can Tell that the game content was QAed all over the place and I've only had 1 crash so far.

Thus for me both Before and After release day were fantastic - and it was Almost out of the park, but the pitcher forgot where the batter is saved each time and ended-up throwing the ball into the stands. :) I fully expect that the rest of my experience will be (my new word) "Fantabulous!"

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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 10:17 pm

also a hostile outlaw in primm stayed sitting down at the bar eventhough i shot him in the head, twice. i thought he just wanted to commit suicide or sumthin so i put a third one in his eye lol. no noticeable lag or any other issues tho so im happy. im on a launch ps3 btw

Had the same exact glitch. I unloaded on him with a 9mm submachinegun outside of VATS and just sat there saying "Hey, stop that!" Which was actually kind of funny. I stopped shooting him for a moment actually because his lack of reaction made me think he wasn't hostile. Then I continued shooting him...
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Kat Stewart
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 3:39 am

I am on an fat PS3 and it has become almost too buggy for me to play. I can handle guys getting stuck in rocks or bugs getting stuck in the ground. I just cant handle this freezing every few minutes. I know I can save but I would have to play, (two minutes later) save, (game freezes) so now get up, turn off my ps3, restart my ps3. It is just not worth doing this every few minutes to play for a couple minutes and half that time is spent saving.
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