Boone's the best and when he thanks you after you help him with his personal torment, he's a changed man and you feel really good about it. His story is the most compelling. Next would be ED-E and the two together keep you safe. One sees things from far and the other can handle it from far so if you don't want to get close, you don't have to. If your playstyle is that you want all the kills, don't choose them together because you won't get much. I don't want all the kills and I wish theirs didn't tally up on mine.
Sometimes ED-E goes postal on enemies after the weapon upgrade and it's got to be seen. boom, boom, boom, boom!
Arcade is next; he's just fantastic and fearless and funny and he was a real hero in my only endgame. I miss him and will travel with him again soon.
Raul is great, doing his personal quest now; his story touches me too. I have jury rigging so his skills are most useful with weapons and he deals with enemies before Boone can get them because he charges right in after them. (Unlimited Companions mod being used.)
Lily was sweet but a little brutal in her battle style and I think she nailed me a few times, surprised my head is still on. I'll travel with her again though.
Rex was also sweet and I loved his perk but when he sits down, you have to go back and find him too much so I took him back to The King.
Cass was completely awesome in Vault 34 and can get wild with that dynamite out in the open. Don't get in front of her. Her comments are funny too. I don't use her perk much but I should because it's a good one.
Veronica was very sweet and I liked having her perk. I had done the BOS questline alone first and then with her and the BOS weren't so difficult that you have to have her with you. Her combat style doesn't fit my first choice but I liked her on ranged. I still need to get her that dress she wants but I haven't been to the UltraLuxe yet. The people there are so creepy!
The companions, and the exploring, are my favorite part of the game.