Shadeleaf Copse. It's simply beautiful there. Right now I'm actually standing on a rock just outside of the Roxey Inn. It's sunset, and Lake Rumare and the Imperial City look peaceful. The sky is vast and filling with the beginning of night, and the grass is swaying in the breeze. The mountains to the south are hulking and dark.
Ah, yes Shadeleaf Copse is quite beautiful. No way! I think I'm in the exact same rock at Roxey Inn at sunset too! it's very serendipitous.
On top of the Jerall Mountains for sure, I just I could make the distance fog go away so I could see it all

Yah! Def. my number two. When I was up there I swear there were no clouds, very cool sight. :vaultboy:
You know? I have trouble picking favorites, but I really like the area of the Great Forest just where it meets the West Weald. The transition from forest to meadows gets me every time. I could see myself hiking around this area, assuming it weren't packed with enemies. I finally explored the coastline up north of Anvil the other day, too. Now THAT area is stunning when the sun sets.
Dude heck yah! like the area north of Skingrad? mmm...
Oh and I was up north of the Gold Coast the other day too! Sadly it was night though so I didn't get to see the sunset.
I hate how people say Oblivion was unoriginal and whatever. It is amazingly beautiful.