I love Markarth. It's so big and beautiful.. And i think the whole history about the Dwemer is quite exciting.
(I don't understand how they can be both dwarves and elves, though.)
Which city of Skyrim do you love?
I love Markarth. It's so big and beautiful.. And i think the whole history about the Dwemer is quite exciting.
(I don't understand how they can be both dwarves and elves, though.)
Which city of Skyrim do you love?
I prefer Whiterun. Not so big, not to small.
The Companions are there too.
Yeah, i know that "Mer" means elves. I've just read some place that they're also dwarves..
They are TES Dwarves. They are not small fat people with huge ginger beards and massive battle axes.
But not tolkien-dwarves they were master craftsmen though, thats a constant. And they had big beards.
On topic: I'd probably vote Windhelm. Although I dislike them all a fair bit. Raven Rock is my favorite if DLC is allowed.
I absolutely hate Whiterun, interestingly. I don't feel it has as much personality as the other cities (Riften/Markarth/Solitude/Windhelm.)
I don't think Falkreath, Morthal, Winterhold or Dawnstar should count as cities in this iteration.
Of those four, probably Falkreath.
Windhelm is My favorite City in Skyrim.
Elderscrolls Dwarves are not Tolkien Dwarves.
Elderscrolls Dwarves were a type of Elf, they looked like Altmer but were shorter. Dwemer were the same hieght as Imperials and Dunmer.
I love the convienence of Whiterun and the openess of the surrounding plains. Having access to 4 weapon vendors is also nice.
Asthetics wise Falkreath but I always liked being in Whiterun the most.
I even like Riverwood better than some "cities." (Dawnstar and Morthal)
Dawnstar, which I would class as major-town I guess, becomes a beauty with climate-overhaul mods and things like Frostfall that really make you appreciate the cold.
Its a very frosty place. I kind of like it, although there isn't much adventure to be had there.
Windhelm. Cause epic fortifications and rich history (the throne of Ysgramor, man.)
Aesthetic wise? Pretty sure Falkreath doesn't look much different from the rest of the villages besides a graveyard in the backyard and a constant gloomy atmosphere/rain.
Whiterun for me. Second to that Riften.
I'll say it time and again: Solitude. With Falkreath being close second.
My personal favourite is Riften. I usually make that my character's base as long as I can at least sort of justify it with their RP...
Although oddly enough I recently went there with a character who had no ties to Riften, and it seemed quite an unfriendly place.
Solitude, because the architecture looks rather cozy and I'd like to live there.
Markarth comes second, because you don't always see cities like this in Tamriel.