Very interested in how this poll comes out and what are people's favorites !
Very interested in how this poll comes out and what are people's favorites !
I just recently switched from Skyrim on PS3 to the PC version and using mods, was still not so good at targeting things really fast with mouse. What just looking around on the web and found out if you download a small program called Motioninjoy, you could use your PS3 controller with PC Skyrim... what a huge difference it makes ! Is like having the best of both worlds ! Keyboard and mouse is nice, but I'm not as adept at it , plus is nice to not constantly have to move hand from home position or mouse to open inventories and stuff. I can more easily become immersed in the game using a controller, as I'm not paying as much attention to 'controlling' the character.
I am not sure i could play ANY Elder scrolls game with a controller anymore.
aiming spells and bows with the controller is SO much worse.
Playing on the xbox, the xbox controller would be the answer.
Mouse and keyboard, of course. PC domination!
I've got an XBox, so I use an XBox controller. When I build my pc, I'm taking my controller with me.
I've played games on pcs with a mouse and keyboard and it ain't for me.
I'm on PC now and play with mouse and keyboard, but I enjoyed playing with a controller on xbox a lot. Now that I think of it I might buy one for pc.
Well the keyboard and mouse is the best.... However the 360 is good too just a bit harder to aim quickly with range weapons though. A controller can never ever beat the reaction time and accuracy of a mouse.
Keyboard and mouse of course.
I don't see how is it possible to play any game with those controllers.
How could I answer? I use mouse and keyboard, I've never used the others.
That's my thought, too. I know it is a preference, but I just can not get the hang of controllers. When they got more than a D-Pad with 2 buttons and a start button, I was lost
mouse and keyboard but the 360 controller feels good too
grew up on mouse/key decades ago. playing descent with all my digits and about 15 controls was great.
when I moved to consoles the xbox/360 easily win.
and, when I eventually game on a computer it will be with an xbox controller.
the disconnect between a mouse/key is unbelievable for me: point/click is laughably disruptive to me. as well, there is an added connect that a controller provides: playing with a mouse and key feels like i'm playing a computer game, while, a controller greatly diminishes the player-p.c barrier and makes me feel more in tune with the pc.
add in the fact that I don't play multiplayer online games and the point/click accuracy is overrated/unneeded and the controller wins hands down.
I've never touched a controller in my entire life. I'm a mouse-and-keyboard gamer.
As I play on the 360...a 360 controller.
I played Fable on my old laptop ( it was better than what I have now), because I liked Fable II on 360 and I figured it might be fun, it wasn't, til I gave up the mouse and keyboard and went with a controller. When I get my new laptop, I will probably use a controller with it. I may try with just the mouse and key's and see how that works out.
I use the Xbox 360 controller even though Idm using the mouse and Keyboard. (I'm still new to PC gaming)
I just have so much more control with a mouse than with a toggle on a gamepad. Just never could play a FP game with a controller.