What's Your Favorite DLC?

Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 5:38 pm

So, after playing the first three DLC, I have to say that Dead Money is still my favorite DLC, despite the fact that I like Honest Hearts and Old World Blues. What do you guys think? :wink_smile:
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 8:38 am

So, after playing the first three DLC, I have to say that Dead Money is still my favorite DLC, despite the fact that I like Honest Hearts and Old World Blues. What do you guys think? :wink_smile:

i appreciate the obvious creative effort that went into Dead Money. But it was a miserable experience for me. Maybe it's because i only play hardcoe, but it felt like a joyless, frustrating endurance test. i never really had any actual fun playing it. Mostly it felt like a hassle getting to the casino. Once inside the casino it got a little better. i'm an exploration/collecting oriented player though, with combat a distant second in interest. So i was just the wrong type of person to be playing it. That's not the DLC's fault.

i loooooved the dress i got out of it. i wore it on several outings while breaking the casinos.

Honest Hearts was like a breath of fresh air compared to the stifling atmosphere and difficulty of the first. So i think i reacted to it much more favorably, than i would have otherwise as a result. It was fun, but i can't imagine really wanting to ever play it again. Half my family is Native, and i grew up on a reservation. i would have handled the tribal depictions differently, but i don't fault them for that.

OWB is the most fun i have had playing New Vegas. It fulfills my craving for urban exploration, a touch of sci-fi, creepy-ness (the trauma suits freaked me out when i first encountered them), and humour. The sci-fi and humour are obviously more prominently front and center, but it 'feels' a lot like Fallout 3. So much so that it's made me want to go back and play F3 again after i am done with this DLC. i'll definitely be playing OWB again sometime down the road.

These are just my opinions. i don't mean to anger anyone with them. :unsure2:
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 12:19 pm

All three have been fun for me. Dead Money was the most work, what with trying to save your head and all; could have listened raptly to Joshua read a telephone book in Honest Hearts. But, I have to go with OWB. Being a science fiction fan for nearly all my life, I enjoyed the stuff they put into the DLC. My favorite part was the mention of "robots" , "planets", all that is "forbidden". Simply loved the whole wackiness of it. It would have been unpossible for me not to like it.
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Laura Samson
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 2:21 am

You have no option for "Liked All 3"

And I really don't understand why you added anything at all to do with Fallout 3. You should take that out.
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Nicole Kraus
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 2:15 pm

Yeah, I liked all three the same amount. And bringing Fallout 3 into this is just going to derail the topic.
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Dragonz Dancer
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 9:33 am

You have no option for "Liked All 3"

And I really don't understand why you added anything at all to do with Fallout 3. You should take that out.


Another NV vs. F3 thread is the last thing this forum needs.
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Marine x
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 4:33 pm

Point Lookout. An intriguing plot, beautiful scenery, exploring, exceptionally tough enemies, the refreshing feeling.
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 6:18 am

DM was my favourite, but they are all great. Whereas I've got one which I liked much more than the others, so far there's not been one which I thought svcked.
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sam westover
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 2:33 am

old world blues love the characters, sonic emitter pistol, and the sneak suit
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Tyrone Haywood
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 5:59 pm

I like them except Honest Hearts but I liked the things like warring tribes but bringing religion very up high in the DLC spoiled the experience for me.
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 4:57 am

Had i known 'they svck' options would be included, i would have never participated in this thread.

That is the most unnecessary, flame-baiting thing i have ever seen.
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Kill Bill
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 10:43 am

Am I the only one who liked Honest Hearts the most? I never want to look at Dead Money again, despite the good dialogue. Old World Blues is a close second, but fighting thousands of roboscorpions, listening to endless, failed, over-the-top humor, and fetch quest galore has me holding it back. Now I do realize that Honest Hearts was the shortest of them all, and had little but fetch quests. I found Zion to be more fun to walk around then Big MT and Sierra Madre, though. Nothing I've seen in the NV DLC's rivals the Survivalists' story, and Joshua Graham is my favorite NPC in all of the expansions. Maybe even the whole game. I can't ignore HH's joke of a main quest and horrifying "magical box" at the end of the DLC, but the rest of it was good enough for me.
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 4:21 am

My all time fo3 and fo nv rankings

1. Broken Steel - told me what happened if fo3, and added harder enemies for replays.

2. DM- I Thought the different challeges, and story telling were very good.

3. OWB- The hardest sustained combat in fo3 or fo nv. Good for a few laughs too. The conections to Elijah, Christine, and Ulysses were cool.

4. MZ- A very well done 50s like alien DLC, has a story that told its self. Aliens in battle suits were hardasses

5. HH- Great scenery, the survivalist story was awesome. The main story was short, but had meaning.

6. PL Some tough combat, and it was big, but not much interaction with anyone. I felt really lonely in this one.

7. OA- a good change of pace dcl.

8. The Pitt- too short, too easy. Not even I could make it last for long. It did have a ok story.
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Emilie Joseph
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 2:47 pm

They all svck :rofl: Why that made me laugh I don't know.

Anyways I love Old World blues. It's great, great story, gameplay, quests, it's funny, difficult, explains more about ulysses and Christine, I get a new pad, It's all good. Second to that would be Dead Money, love the survival horror setting, story's good, it's slow paced and really nice, it looks nice, great weapons/perks, explains more back story to. Third to that is Honest Hearts. I mean it was good and all, using mostly plants and the such for food was cool, the story was good, but I fealt it was lacking compared to the other two. :glare:
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Taylor Thompson
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 9:28 am

I have to agree that Dead Money is the best, followed very closely by OWB. HH I could live without.
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Karl harris
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 3:29 am

I have liked all three but Old World Blues has been the most enjoyable. Each DLC certainly has its own flavor.

Dead Money was great if you like surviving a very lethal environment. As a hardcoe/very hard setting player everything seemed to want me dead. No all you can eat buffet at the town square to start, ghosts that want to do bad touch on me and the fact that in hardcoe/very hard mode just standing will drain your health from the toxic cloud unless one is indoors. To me surviving these challanges gave me a sense of accomplishment. Definitely felt unnerved during gameplay. The story regarding the little love triangle was interesting and the companions were interesting.

Honest Hearts was pretty good. Definitely wide open vistas and rivers cleansed the palate. The basic story was okay but I really enjoyed the survivalists logs and how that tied into the main story.

Old World Blues...tough enemies....great story and some decent character development regarding the think tank...and a lot of humor. As an example this tickles my humor. I am out on a errand to I think X-13 trying to sneak past some lobotomites when a booming loudspeaker with Tala's voice says she misses the pitter patter of her teddy bears [censored] toed feet. Lots of laughs.
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