Yes, you make a good point. That sounds really intimidating. Plus, the way that I think ward spell are going to be in SKyrim makes me want to play like this as well. That is, ward is timing based.
I don't think we'll be able to call shield spells wards anymore though. Restoration's discription was "The school of Restoration involves control over live forces. The skill makes it easier to cast healing, turn undead, and magical wards." And Alteration's discription was "The school of alteration involves the manipulation of the physical world and it's natural properties. This skill makes it easier to cast spells like waterbreathing, magical protection, and paralysis."
Ward spells will probably be like circle of protection, while magic shield spells will be one of two things. We'll probably get the old version that has a durration, like you cast it and then you're entire body gains a percentage of protection untill the spell runs out. And then there will be another shield spell that we cast infront of us, which will act like a shield does and protect from most of the damage coming from that direction but requires a hand to constantly cast it.
...ya, I really like alteration. I've been keeping an eye on everything to do with it. :sweat: