What is your favorite play style?

Post » Sat Nov 02, 2013 12:21 am

You can answer one of these, or all of these. It's up to you.

Do you prefer combat, stealth, or magic? You can also like two of them, or all of them. Also, if you would like, tell me why you like them so much.

Do you prefer to play the game just to play, or do you enjoy role-playing? Or both? Tell me more if you'd like.

Do you fast travel? Do you prefer to walk? Or both?

What difficulty do you like to play on?

Me personally, while I find all of them valuable in one situation or another, I like magic. I've always favored mages in every game I have play that allowed it. I like using magic because you can be very creative with your spells.

I enjoy role-playing but I separate my role-playing characters from my normal playing characters. Sometimes I like a change of pace.

Depending on the character I play, I will walk or fast travel. My normal character will fast travel, while my role-playing characters walk.

As far as difficulty goes, I find myself on Adept. If I want a less intense game, I will turn it down and if I want a challenge, I'll turn it up.

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naome duncan
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Post » Sat Nov 02, 2013 3:09 am

Melee + Stealth
roleplaying and only roleplaying.
walk most of the time, sometimes run, sometimes use a horse, rarely sprint and sometimes use a carriage.
Legendary difficulty.
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Aman Bhattal
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Post » Fri Nov 01, 2013 7:49 pm

I mainly like warriors (sword and shield), I don't heavily roleplay, so a little of both. I normally play on Adept and turning up the difficulty as needed. I try to walk everywhere, but I eventually FT depending on the circumstances.
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Post » Sat Nov 02, 2013 3:59 am

I used to play on adept, but it got way too easy. So I started a new game on legendary. Very big difference, everything and everyone is pretty much OP, but raising your rank is much more rewarding. As for fast traveling, I only do that to places that are way across the map.

Sneaking is my preferable playstyle, but if there are a group of easy enemies, then I got in with a sword and a shield.

And for role-playing, I'm not entirely sure what that means. If it means sticking to strict judgement and way of playing, then I don't role-play. I get all daedric artifacts, sometimes I kill people if they annoy me, and sometimes I don't. I don't have guidelines to those kind of things :P

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carley moss
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Post » Fri Nov 01, 2013 7:03 pm

Do you give your character a backstory and have it only do certain things that the character would do. or do you do everything you can do with every charcater.
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Post » Fri Nov 01, 2013 4:03 pm

Ranger/scout types so a stealth/combat hybrid. Hulking brutes with a two-hander and sneaky conjurer/archers are also fun in Skyrim.

RP as much as the game allows.

Rarely fast travel but not obsessive about it.

Play on Adept

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Post » Sat Nov 02, 2013 2:03 am

Do you prefer combat, stealth, or magic? You can also like two of them, or all of them. Also, if you would like, tell me why you like them so much.

In Skyrim, all my builds need to have some magic. I wanted to make a Reaver who uses 1H and archery as his offense, yet I realized that I needed to have magic in order to make him stand out from the others. Thus, I threw in some runes and cloaks, mixed with some Alteration and healing for good measure without overshadowing his barbarian reaverness. He turned out as a witchblade.

My main character is a Nord conjurer/sorcerer who resembles the Dragon Priests in terms of skillset.

Lately, I have been having a lot of fun playing as a non-lethal thief whose primary skills are Alchemy, Pickpocketing, and Sneak, with some Illusion thrown in.

Do you prefer to play the game just to play, or do you enjoy role-playing? Or both? Tell me more if you'd like.

I always RP.

Do you fast travel? Do you prefer to walk? Or both?

This depends on the region of Skyrim that I am travelling through. I love walking along the coastlines. However, I always FT through the Windhelm-Riften route because I have been up and down that road countless times and have become sick of it.

What difficulty do you like to play on?


I believe that the difficulty toggler in this game is a joke. The settings only dictate the damage multipliers. Increasing the difficulty should result in enemies using better equipment and having more abilities.

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Post » Fri Nov 01, 2013 1:37 pm

I never actually thought about doing that. I just do anything I feel is right. If a daedric lord tells me to kill someone for a certain artifact, then I will do it. But if some random guy tells me to kill someone because they don't like that person, then I won't kill the intended target, I will kill the [censored] who ordered it XD

But I will consider it on my next playthrough. I feel like it sets limitations though :(

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Post » Fri Nov 01, 2013 4:43 pm

That is the entire point. to set limitations and make the story Coherent.

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stevie trent
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Post » Sat Nov 02, 2013 4:45 am

Ok then, I will do it on my next playthrough :D

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Post » Fri Nov 01, 2013 8:38 pm

Do you prefer combat, stealth, or magic? You can also like two of them, or all of them. Also, if you would like, tell me why you like them so much.

I like and play all three regularly, but I prefer a mix of combat and magic (usually only for my first playthrough). I like to have the meatiness of a fighter with the utility of a mage, though the melee-to-magic ratio varies from game to game. In Skyrim I played a Battlemage with gobs of HP and Stamina, but only lightly armored. Magic was mostly used as a support(healing and enchanting) or for ranged damage. Waaaaay back in Arena I played a Spellsword that only ever used magic as a last resort or for mobility. His Strength and Endurance>Willpower and Intelligence.

Do you prefer to play the game just to play, or do you enjoy role-playing? Or both? Tell me more if you'd like.

First time's always just screwing around, though I like to have at least some minor background so I'm not all over the place. After that I roleplay about 75% of my games.

Do you fast travel? Do you prefer to walk? Or both?

Similar to the above. I only walk when I roleplay, and even then I fast travel from time to time. The opposite is true for casual games, I mostly fast travel but will walk to enjoy the scenery.

What difficulty do you like to play on?

Expert. Nice level of difficulty without getting ridiculous. I hate fighting damage sponges that hit like trucks.

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Adam Baumgartner
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Post » Fri Nov 01, 2013 7:53 pm

My favorite style is 2h barbarin type next would be a battlemage/spellsword type... but I have fun with alot of different characters. The only thing I really can't do is a truely "evil" type character, they just aren't fun for me.

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Post » Fri Nov 01, 2013 2:15 pm

- Straight-up combat, Stealth, and often both. Depends on the character. None of them are any more than about 20% mage though, I like that style in very few games. My favorite character is a tank, mace and shield, heavy armor. Second favorite is two-handed barbarian type, light and heavy mix.

- RPer. I'm not hardcoe about it though, and if it really gets too annoying or personally distasteful to stay in character, deleted.

- I used to FT a lot, but within the last few months I've gotten into walking or riding everywhere. Some exceptions though, High Hrothgar comes immediately to mind.

- Believe it or not, Novice. I like to explore, and I like to kill things and take their stuff. If difficulty did something like add enemies, I'd probably kick it up. It occurs to me there might be a mod for that...

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Melissa De Thomasis
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Post » Fri Nov 01, 2013 1:15 pm

I use the a sword to attack and block, but will pull out a restoration spell when im in need. Parry or dodge moves would have benefited a guys like me greatly, or at least the option to be quicker.

RP. No, I just put my ideals on a custom character.

FT, 60% of the time

Expert, not as easy as adept without the monotony of attacking damage sponges on master or legendary.

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Allison Sizemore
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Post » Fri Nov 01, 2013 6:46 pm

Of the four melee styles (dual-wield, two-hand, sword-board, sword-spell), I can't decide. Not too wild about dual-wield, I get hurt too much. The others are all fun in their own way.

Destruction vs. archery, I prefer destruction, simply because I can hit my target with it.

Magic vs. melee vs. stealth? Probably melee, though my Khajiit illusionist/assassin was a great change of pace.

Roleplay? Always. I actually take it to the next level, RPing that my characters all exist in the same Skyrim. It means I have to choose different spouses and home for each character, but also means I can adopt more than two needy younglings.

Tried Dead is Dead, decided it wasn't my thing.

Alignment? Good, almost unfailingly. Even my larcenous Khajiit is a big softy.

I prefer to avoid fast travel, using wagons for long-distance work. But I can FT through pacified areas (the Blue Palace to Katla's Farm, for instance).

I waffle between Adept and Expert, but see no need to go higher.

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Post » Fri Nov 01, 2013 3:53 pm

I would say Shield and Sword is my favorite playstyle.

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Post » Sat Nov 02, 2013 1:35 am

I really dislike killing neutral npcs in the game...I feel like there aren't enough to begin with.

My favorite playstyle is 2h weapon definitely. I can't decide whether I like heavy or light armor better, but I'm leaning towards light because the extra speed helps me dodge attacks more easily early on. I play on legendary, so avoiding damage is key when possible.

I defintely like to RP my characters....there's some questing overlap obviously between them, but I always like to take different paths rather than have a do-everything type guy.

I also run most places or use a carriage followed by some more running. I tend to get in lots of trouble on the way to and from places which is both fun and profitable

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Post » Sat Nov 02, 2013 2:42 am

Anything other than Two Handed Axe/Hammer is fair game because those two visuals look so clunky and impractical to me. But I prefer mage or one handed/magic or one handed/shield. No armour preference.

My warrior builds always have a special sword. For example Trueflame as the Nerevarine and custom named swords in Skyrim.

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Breanna Van Dijk
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Post » Sat Nov 02, 2013 12:31 am

For me, it's all about stealth and the strategy that goes along with it. Magic is used to enhance my stealthy strategies or as a back-up in case stealth / strategy fails. Combat is used only when things go really badly (I much prefer to Fus-Ro-Dah and run, then try stealth again when things cool down), although I do enjoy swinging a sword while on horseback.

110% roleplaying. If a game doesn't have a roleplaying element/angle (or some way for me to force RP into it), I'm not interested. I roleplay to the point that I sometimes get frustrated with my characters' decisions, but it's their life, not mine, so they get their way.

I've never used fast travel, although I will use a carriage occasionally if/when it fits the RP. My preferred form of travel is on horseback, but I'm not opposed to walking and/or running when it makes RP sense.

I bounce between adept and expert difficulties. I prefer fighting dragons on expert and tend to leave it there until I run into a situation where dealing with a bunch of damage-sponges is sapping the fun.

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Juan Suarez
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Post » Sat Nov 02, 2013 4:47 am

Do you prefer combat, stealth, or magic? You can also like two of them, or all of them. Also, if you would like, tell me why you like them so much.
Melee. I like big and slow tank like characters (not stealthy), two-handed weapons, and heavy armor.

Do you prefer to play the game just to play, or do you enjoy role-playing? Or both? Tell me more if you'd like.
always roleplay. I don't like just playing or powerplaying in roleplaying games.

Do you fast travel? Do you prefer to walk? Or both?
I sometimes fast travel with the carriages and ships. I mostly ride horses or walk.

What difficulty do you like to play on?
Heavily modded Expert difficulty. Much better enemy AI, more enemies, no instant healing potions, no enemy dots in compass, no sneak icon, etc. I also gimp my characters with roleplay things like slower movement speed and not wearing all pieces of armor.

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