What is your Favourate LOAD-OUT in Crysis 2 Multiplayer?

Post » Wed Feb 02, 2011 7:46 am

Primary: SCAR
-- Red Dot Scope
- -Grenade launcher
--Digital Camo (like a boss)

Secondary: MachineGun
--Red Dot Scope
-- Silencer

Explosives: RPG (man i love this thing :3 )

- Tracker (lvl 3) ::Tracks enemies footsteps::
- Enhanced mobility (Lvl 3) ::Lessens Energy drain from movement::
- Energy Transfer (lvl 3) :: Restores your nanosuit energy to full with each kill::
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Megan Stabler
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Post » Wed Feb 02, 2011 2:51 am

Primary: SCAR
-- Red Dot Scope
- -Grenade launcher
--Digital Camo (like a boss)

Secondary: MachineGun
--Red Dot Scope
-- Silencer

Explosives: RPG (man i love this thing :3 )

- Tracker (lvl 3) ::Tracks enemies footsteps::
- Enhanced mobility (Lvl 3) ::Lessens Energy drain from movement::
- Energy Transfer (lvl 3) :: Restores your nanosuit energy to full with each kill::

I like all of the guns for different purposes but I always put Red dot, silencer(if applicable) and most likely extended clip on it. I figure that most of the time any other attachment is just weighing you down. You're usually going to focus on killing people with one thing. So the utility gained has to greatly outweigh the weight gain, time involved switching/using it. Not to mention the advantage the clip has in a firefight.

For perks... I'm getting all the awards first but..

Blind spot
Health restore
So far, I think Enhanced mobility or Loadout are the best.

All level 3 of course
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Tamika Jett
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Post » Wed Feb 02, 2011 8:25 am

I like all of the guns for different purposes but I always put Red dot, silencer(if applicable) and most likely extended clip on it. I figure that most of the time any other attachment is just weighing you down. You're usually going to focus on killing people with one thing. Not to mention the advantage the clip has in a firefight.

For perks... I'm getting all the awards first but..

Blind spot
Health restore
So far, I think Enhanced mobility or Loadout are the best.

All level 3 of course
How does health restore work on level 3? Does it Charge up your Suit faster or just your health? and i think i will be using the Extended clip perk once i unlock it. the grenade launcher is hardly used now that i have the RPG.
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Post » Wed Feb 02, 2011 1:05 am

How does health restore work on level 3? Does it Charge up your Suit faster or just your health? and i think i will be using the Extended clip perk once i unlock it. the grenade launcher is hardly used now that i have the RPG.
That's exactly what I did when I realized I was using L-tag with a grenade launcher. Quite silly. lol

I have only got pro 2 at the moment. Level 2 charges your energy almost instantly to full. I'm excited to see what level 3 does. If it's unimpressive I may choose something else but right now it's the most appealing. Firefights are so easily won and I can traverse the whole map without stopping in stealth easily now.
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Doniesha World
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:03 pm

I am sneaky bastard :-) , so my favorite set up is:
Primary weapon:
Feline + silencer + hologram
Secondary weapon:
AY69 + silencer + extended mag
Frag grenade

Energy trasfer III
Stealth enhance III
Mobility enhance III

Heavy - anti stealth
Primary weapon:
M60 + nothing
Secondary weapon:
AY69 + extended mag
Frag grenade

Armor enhance II
Cloack tracker I
Aim enhance III
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