» Sat May 28, 2011 12:25 pm
I feel obligated to say Balmora. It just feels like a home away from home. So familiar, probably a place that Morrowind players spend their most time in. Many familiar faces, great start to most professions, easy to get around once you catch the hang of it.
I also love Vivec, but getting around the Cantons really gets me down. It's a wonderous city once you get inside, but even with the boat rides, it just feels like a neighborhood full of houses all painted the same with the same car in every driveway, and usually your destination is the last house on the lane. Silly anology, I know, but that's just how it makes me feel. But as I said, once you're inside and get a look around at how all the different cantons function, it's a great place, but it just doesn't have that home-y feeling Balmora always has.