I am pretty sure that several people have created the same exact topic several times in the past few weeks.
Anyway, Vahlok > all.
I am pretty sure that several people have created the same exact topic several times in the past few weeks.
Anyway, Vahlok > all.
I'm at a standoff with Hevnoraak and Ahzidal but i voted Hevnoraak
I like Hevnoraak for a different reason, I rip his mask off of his face and smash it over Miraak's head.
I voted for Vahlok the Jailer.
It was tough, because Miraak was a BAAAAAAAAD dude, and the only Dragon Priest who had SWAG. But the fact that Vahlok the Jailer initiated a massive beat down on Miraak, I had to go with him. Vahlok for the win.
Nope, he existed, of course. The thing is, do you get to fight him, or even meet him in the game? Is he in an old Nordic Barrow? No? So how can he be in a poll about your favourite Dragon Priest in the game if he is NOT in the game? It's the same thing as saying my favourite Summon in Skyrim is a Lich, but there are no Lichs in Skyrim.
Morokei. I remembered my first PC had a hell of a time defeating this bloke around level 25. In addition, he taunts you throughout the dungeon, even when he is silent, and probably the most memorable Dragon Priest I have encountered of the vanilla 8.
Vahlok is my close second as I like the backstory of this DP, but did not struggle as badly as I did with Morokei, hence #2.
Hevnoraak will probably gut you for that one and now if you excuse me. . . *rips Hevnoraak's mask off of his face and smashes the mask over Miraak's head*
There is no source on him as a living or unliving person, period. We don't see him in-game, he's not on this poll.
Dragon priest masks are named for their priest.
A mask called Konahrik exists.
Evidence points to a priest named Konahrik.
Tell me more about how you fought him in-game.
Is there something wrong with liking Konahrik better than the other dragon priests?
It is possible that he was the high priest and therefore possible that Alduin took him to a special afterlife (body and soul) and will return the next time Alduin does.
Link doesn't work, nor is it relevant since not everyone has a PC with whatever mod you were trying to show me.
He's not in the vanilla game. It's a mask.
You want to vote for him, go make a favorite Dragon Priest mask thread.
The mask itself summons him. Have you worn it before?
Yes, I love the mask second to Miraak's.
Conjecture as it summons a vanilla Dragon Priest, named Dragon Priest. I've even tried giving the summoned Dragon Priest a copy of Konahrik's mask for flavor and RP, but the Dragon Priest skeleton cannot equip the mask.
My personal take is that Konahrik was a title bestowed upon an exceptional individual. It was not just one Priest in history, and it required unanimous agreement with the established Priesthood.
But again, we don't meet him in-game. We don't fight him. He's never even referenced outside the name of the mask.
If you want to be pedantic about the "We must be able to fight them", then my favorite dragon priest is "Dragon Priest" which I assume to be Konahrik.
Ummm, ok then? Generic Dragon Priest is not on the poll either.
I think the mask is really cool. I even modded it so it can summon the Priest more frequently, and gave it additional buffs to shouts and stuff. But this is about your favorite Priest, not some fantasy or mask. There is no Konahrik Priest in the vanilla game with whom you can interact nor is there ANY LORE period. So all we have is conjecture and theories, meanwhile we know and SEE the other Priests.
Whatever floats your boat though, there is no Draugr Death Overlord with an Ebony bow aiming at your head forcing you to vote if you absolutely insist Konahrik has the coolest mask.
*yawn* All I have to say is VALDAR and Hev will be back at Valthume stewing.
So, by your logic there MUST have been a Dragon Priest named Wooden Mask! I mean, there is a Wooden Mask, surely it was worn by a DP named that too, right?
What others and I are trying to say is that Konahrik is not in the game, and I can't find any lore about him, if you can, please do share! It's not that hard to understand why he isn't in the poll after all.